30 Step Drill Score Sheet The 30 step drill sequence is a significant part of the AFJROTC curriculum and is part of the grading criteria used to conduct unit evaluations Air Force Manual AFMAN 36 2203 is the governing directive for the 30 step drill sequence Learn practice and perfect everything in
The 30 Step drill sequence was developed by Headquarters Air Force JROTC and is used as a measurement tool during all unit evaluations All 2nd Year and above cadets must know how to command the 30 Step drill sequence For a complete viewing of how to execute the 30 Step Drill Sequence complete with inspection after open ranks is available at the following link on the Air Force Junior ROTC webpage LDRs Drill 30 Step it will take a bit to download be patient
30 Step Drill Score Sheet
30 Step Drill Score Sheet
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CHAPTER 9 Drill Enid High School
30 COMMAND DRILL EVALUATION FORM Cadet Print Last Name First MI School Flight maintain in step with the formation Unsatisfactory 0 Satisfactory 1 Outstanding 2 4 Position on Flight Leader will maintain proper command position on flight at all times Unsatisfactory 0 Satisfactory 1 Outstanding 2 5 Final positioning of Flight Leader will The 30 step drill sequence is a significant part of the AFJROTC curriculum and is part of the grading criteria used to conduct unit evaluations Please review the video instructor s booklet and the Learn to Lead Cadet Drill Guide for detailed guidance
Performance of the 30 Step Drill Sequence will be IAW AFMAN 36 2203 Drill and Ceremonies dated 20 Nov 2013 and is led and performed by second year cadets Cadet Commander will report in after the command fall in is given 30 Step Flight Drill Sequence 1 Fall in 16 To the rear march Right Foot 2 Open ranks March 17 To the rear march Right Foot 3 Ready front 18 Column right march Right Foot 4 Close rank March 19 Forward march 5 Present arms 20 Eyes right Right Foot 6 Order arms 21 Ready Front Left Foot 7 Parade rest 22 Column right march
More picture related to 30 Step Drill Score Sheet
30 Step Drill Sequence SareneZakary
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Regulation drill sequence score sheet unarmed drill team school 1 2 judge circle one mark an x in the box for violations 1 forward march 30 extend march 2 left flank 31 forward march 3 right flank 32 mark time 4 halt 33 forward march 5 left face 34 rear march 6 present arms 35 half step 7 report in see note 1 36 Right step MARCH 30 Flight HALT Title AFJROTC 30 DRILL COMMANDS SEQUENCE Author Jose Alvarez Created Date 9 16 2008 9 30 27 AM
30 STEP DRILL SEQUENCE Note The drill sequence is led and performed by second year cadets 1 Fall in 16 To the rear march 2 Open ranks march 17 To the rear march 3 Ready front 18 Column right march 4 Close ranks march 19 Forward march 5 Present arms 20 Eyes right 6 Order arms 21 Ready Front 7 Parade rest 22 Column right march 8 WEST MECK H S AFJROTC NC 053 HAWKS
30 Step Drill Commands Diagram Quizlet
30 Step Drill Sequence SareneZakary
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/01069a_e4b382b726cc4415bd8d7188eba25acd~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_560,h_676,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/QB Core Drill Sequence.jpg

The 30 step drill sequence is a significant part of the AFJROTC curriculum and is part of the grading criteria used to conduct unit evaluations Air Force Manual AFMAN 36 2203 is the governing directive for the 30 step drill sequence Learn practice and perfect everything in

The 30 Step drill sequence was developed by Headquarters Air Force JROTC and is used as a measurement tool during all unit evaluations All 2nd Year and above cadets must know how to command the 30 Step drill sequence

OBHS Afjrotc 30 Step Drill Sequences YouTube

30 Step Drill Commands Diagram Quizlet

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DVIDS Video AFJROTC Drill Video 30 Step Drill Sequence

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30 Step Drill Score Sheet - The 30 step drill sequence is a significant part of the AFJROTC curriculum and is part of the grading criteria used to conduct unit evaluations Please review the video instructor s booklet and the Learn to Lead Cadet Drill Guide for detailed guidance