4 H Archery Score Sheets

4 H Archery Score Sheets They are a 1 2 World Arcery 1440 Round FiTA a 1 2 NFAA Field Round and 30 target unmarked IBO 3D Round There are some specific 4 H rules that will apply Below are some links to resources for the 4 H Archery Discipline 11 Steps to the 10 Ring How to Set Your Center Shot Adaptive Archery National 4 H Scoring Targets National 4 H

4 H S A F E T Y Archery Scorecard Author Extension Subject Use these cards for scoring the 4 H SAFETY archery competition Keywords 4H S A F E T Y archery youth Created Date 4 23 2019 2 40 41 PM 4 H National Archery Competition Scoring Rules will divid I of a total of ring total of shot THAT END will a total which will u I MAKE SURE YOUR will be two shot up TO THAT POINT the SCORES MATCH up AFTER EACH END FITA Competition Running will 10 Total Total Running Total 10 to 2 60 3 50 2 10 10 starting will a nt at SO end 40 of s for end all the total for The total

4 H Archery Score Sheets


4 H Archery Score Sheets


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Building An Archery Series Modified Animal Round Walt In PA

Will score the next highest Center 5 Will be Scored 5 and marked as an X tot both re curve Center 10 Will be scored 10 and marked as an X for both Cun e ana If the arrow shaft touches a line it Will score the next h ehest 3 Points 4 point 5 3D If the arrow shaft touches a line it will score the next highest Arrow musthit Ifarrowhits rock or dirt mound it scores zero 5 IBO Scoring If a What are the 4 different scores you can get when shooting 3 D archery How many arrows do you shoot at each target Where is the kill zone on a deer Between what distances do you shoot the target What is the maximum draw weight What is the maximum stabilizer length

Georgia 4 H Field Archery Score Card 0 3 4 5 Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 11 Field 12 Sub Total Total Score Archery Name Archer s Signature Scorer s Signature Georgia 4 H 3D Archery Score Card 0 1 5 10 3D 1 3D 2 3D Georgia 4 H Indoor Archery Scorecard Name County End 1st Arrow 2n Arrow 3rd Arrow End Total Running Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Final Score 11 s 10 s

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Archery Score Sheets Graphic By JantoManto Creative Fabrica


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Printable Archery Score Sheet Printable Word Searches

Georgia 4 H FITA Archery Score Class Division Distance meters End 1 M X Arrow 1 F F Arrow 2 F F Arrow 3 F F Arrow 4 F F Arrow 5 F F Arrow 6 F F End Total Created Date 3 25 2019 3 59 40 AM

Judging Element 2 4 H Shooting Sports Stand Alone All Disciplines N I Needs Improvement must have comments Does exhibit meet size requirements Maximum 3 feet wide and deep and 7 feet high for all items Is it stable as is displayed Creative and innovative design Does the exhibit show originality freshness and imagination Score sheets must be signed by the competitor and event judge and turned in following the completion of each activity Lost or misplaced targets or score sheets are NOT the responsibility of 4 H judges or volunteers and will be scored as a zero


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How To Fill In An Archery Scoresheet 2020 Archery
Archery Discipline National 4 H Shooting Sports

They are a 1 2 World Arcery 1440 Round FiTA a 1 2 NFAA Field Round and 30 target unmarked IBO 3D Round There are some specific 4 H rules that will apply Below are some links to resources for the 4 H Archery Discipline 11 Steps to the 10 Ring How to Set Your Center Shot Adaptive Archery National 4 H Scoring Targets National 4 H

Printable Archery Score Cards Printable Word Searches
4 H S A F E T Y Archery Scorecard Mississippi State University

4 H S A F E T Y Archery Scorecard Author Extension Subject Use these cards for scoring the 4 H SAFETY archery competition Keywords 4H S A F E T Y archery youth Created Date 4 23 2019 2 40 41 PM


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Archery Score Sheet PDF s Printable Score Cards For Free

4 H Archery Score Sheets - Georgia 4 H Indoor Archery Scorecard Name County End 1st Arrow 2n Arrow 3rd Arrow End Total Running Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Final Score 11 s 10 s