4 H Cat Score Sheet What makes your cat special 5 5 5 5 5 5 Knowledge Showman gives complete answers to questions asked about cats and their care Questions will be from the current cat manual 15 Total Showmanship Points Earned First through 10 th place ribbons will be awarded for scores between 85 100 70 85 Add OR if cage
Instructions When you exhibit the cat before the judge you will be scored on the following Be prepared to give the judge the following information about your cat during the examination by participant Also be prepared to answer any questions the judge might ask you about the cat The judge will fill out the bottom portion of the form 4 H Cat Project Name Club Pet Name BASIS OF AWARDS Cat Unaltered Cat Cat Unaltered Cat Altered ANIMAL HEALTH Maximum Points Score Condition of coat 25 Condition of eyes ears teeth 25 Claws trimmed properly 17 Temperament 17 Condition of body 16 TOTAL POINTS 100 Showmanship MEMBER KNOWLEDGE Maximum Points Score
4 H Cat Score Sheet
4 H Cat Score Sheet
4 H Cat Project
4 H Cat Project Record
Courteous Control of Cat Leash on wrist Showing Head and Body Showing Tail Coat Texture Teeth no tartar Nose clear Eyes bright and clean Ears free of mites Nails clipped Coat clean well groomed Harness well fitting Question Total Comments JUDGING SHEET CAT SHOWMANSHIP Member Showmanship Condition Author Ann Ishmael Created Date 4 H CAT PROJECT SCORE SHEET 4 H Member Name Pet Name Cat ANIMAL HEALTH Condition of Coat 25
Exhibitor gives complete answers to questions asked about cats and their care Questions will be from the current cat manuals cooperating with the Counties and the United States Department of Agriculture The 4 H Youth Development program abides with the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture
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Fillable Online Unit 16 4 H Cat Project Record Book Fax Email Print
Explore 4 H Basic 4 H Cat Project Zoom 4 H Youth Development Program
Cat Project Score Sheet Name County Points Score I Animal Health 50 A Condition of coat B Condition of eyes ears teeth C Condition of body D Claws trimmed properly E Temperament II Member Knowledge of 25 A Care B Feeding C Handling D Grooming This is a class that is unique to 4 H the most important class a 4 H member can enter This class is designed to teach members how to present themselves how to prepare their cat for showing how to handle it safely to show an understanding of what a judge is looking for and to show a knowledge of cats
Judging Element 1 4 H e Record Complete means that everything has been filled out Not complete means that there is something missing and needs a comment as to what is missing or why it is not complete Project will be evaluated on the quality of information completed 4 H CAT RECORD SHEET LEVEL 3 Grades 9 12 Record must be completed and turned in to 4 H Leader Date Side 1 NAME NAME OF 4 H CLUB YEARS IN 4 H Including this year 4 H er must complete four 4 new activities required or Feline Adventuress each year Fill in appropriate information below
CAT Score Calculator How To Use CAT Score Calculator YouTube
Mini 4 H Cat Show 070116 Flickr

What makes your cat special 5 5 5 5 5 5 Knowledge Showman gives complete answers to questions asked about cats and their care Questions will be from the current cat manual 15 Total Showmanship Points Earned First through 10 th place ribbons will be awarded for scores between 85 100 70 85 Add OR if cage

Instructions When you exhibit the cat before the judge you will be scored on the following Be prepared to give the judge the following information about your cat during the examination by participant Also be prepared to answer any questions the judge might ask you about the cat The judge will fill out the bottom portion of the form

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CAT Score Calculator How To Use CAT Score Calculator YouTube
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Fillable Online 4 H POSTER SCORE SHEET Fax Email Print PdfFiller

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CAT Score Vs Percentile How To Calculate

2022 4 H Cat Showmanship Camera Corps Flickr

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4 H Cat Score Sheet - 4 H CAT PROJECT SCORE SHEET 4 H Member Name Pet Name Cat ANIMAL HEALTH Condition of Coat 25