4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheets 4 H Dog Obedience Class Open A TEAM Armband Number FINAL SCORE CIRCLE PLACING Purple 190 200 Blue 170 189 5 Red 150 169 5 White 149 5 or less Exercise Non Qualifying Zero Qualifying Maximum Points Points Lost Net Score Heel O Leash and Figure 8 Unmanageable Unquali ed heeling Handler continually adapts pace to dog
OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET For Judge s Use ONLY Not to be distributed Pub No 4H439 Date Dog No Show Breed Judge Exercise Can use one word of praise one time during the exercise Max points Points off Net score Heel on leash 20 Point Penalty Unmanageable Unqualified heeling Poor Sits Score Points Possible Deductions Points Possible DeductionsMinor bark or whine to heel position 40 Score 200 points possible sub total Penalty Deductions Points Possible on Deductions Leash touched ground Guiding 40 Score Deduct 10 points each
4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheets
4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheets
2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr
2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr
Oklahoma 4 H Obedience Trial Score Sheet Beginner Show Dog No Date Judge Breed 4 h obedience trial score breakdown dog no date breed intro class exercise non qualifying nq 0 to less than 50 qualifying over 50 max points points lost
MICHIGAN 4 H OBEDIENCE TRIAL SCORE BREAKDOWN Show Date Judge Dog No Breed PRE NOVICE CLASS A OR B Heeling Fig 8 Heeling Fig 8 MSU is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer Title Michigan 4 H Obedience Trial Score Breakdown Author MSU Extension Subject Michigan 4 H Obedience Trial Score Breakdown for dogs Created D TOTAL NET SCORE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING 4 H Revised February 2022 JUDGES Please see current 4H guidelines for exercise descriptions Dogs receiving major deductions failure to complete the essential components of the exercise must not qualify for state fair or receive a score greater than 170 points
More picture related to 4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheets
Fillable Online Cochise County 4 H Dog Rally Score Sheet Novice
Fillable Online Extension Unh 4 h Dog Obedience Program Long Sit
Fillable Online 4h okstate eduscore sheet open class 1Oklahoma 4 H
4 H Dog Obedience Trial Score Sheet Class Begining Novice A or B Primary Jr Intermediate Sr Name Date Exhibitor No Placing 45 Score Points Possible Deductions 25 Score Points Possible Deductions Points Possible Deductions 30 Score Points Possible Deductions 30 200 points possible sub total Penalty Deductions Points Possible To call dog Recall Over Broad Jump Free and Figure 8 off Leash 4 H 501A Revised 1 19 Dumbbell Over High Jump Handler must go 8ft beyond jump to call dog Handler must go Exercise Deductions Score Penalties GRAND TOTAL Jumps dog is 7 yrs old 3 4 jump height Command Discrimination STAND SIT DOWN Did not remain in place
The scoresheets in this packet can be used to evaluate Michigan 4 H dog shows Download the complete set by clicking the Download File button or download individual score sheets at the links listed below Companion Animals Dogs Agility Classes Brace Class Dog Show Score Sheets Drill Team Four Person Team Class Grooming and Handling Classes March Dog Madness keep as draft NYS 4 H Dog Show Dress Code Obedience Classes Rally Classes Service Dog Class Pets Rabbit and Cavies
Fillable Online 4 h Dog Obedience Score Sheet Fax Email Print PdfFiller
2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr

4 H Dog Obedience Class Open A TEAM Armband Number FINAL SCORE CIRCLE PLACING Purple 190 200 Blue 170 189 5 Red 150 169 5 White 149 5 or less Exercise Non Qualifying Zero Qualifying Maximum Points Points Lost Net Score Heel O Leash and Figure 8 Unmanageable Unquali ed heeling Handler continually adapts pace to dog

OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET For Judge s Use ONLY Not to be distributed Pub No 4H439 Date Dog No Show Breed Judge Exercise Can use one word of praise one time during the exercise Max points Points off Net score Heel on leash 20 Point Penalty Unmanageable Unqualified heeling Poor Sits

2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr

Fillable Online 4 h Dog Obedience Score Sheet Fax Email Print PdfFiller

2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr

2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr

Fillable Online Extension Purdue Oklahoma 4 H Dog Obedience Rules And

Fillable Online Wy 4 h Dog Obedience Score Sheet Graduate Novice

Fillable Online Wy 4 h Dog Obedience Score Sheet Graduate Novice

Fillable Online Extension Wsu WASHINGTON STATE 4 H DOG OBEDIENCE

Fillable Online 4 H POSTER SCORE SHEET Fax Email Print PdfFiller

2022 4 H Dog Obedience Judging Camera Corps Flickr
4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheets - Guide The judge is to use the 4 H Obedience or Showmanship Score Sheets In all classes the judge has the option of assessing penalty points for errors or misbehavior Dogs will be placed in Blue Red and White award groups as follows Blue 180 200 points Red 150 179 points White 149 points and below Commands and Signals