4 H Poultry Showmanship Score Sheet

4 H Poultry Showmanship Score Sheet POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP Adapted from Poultry Showmanship Level Il 4 H Poultry Leader Notebook Well oomed Pro er attire Introduction Class earance and Introduction Showing Bird in Cage Posible Score Points 10 10 35 10 20 10 15 115 The object of this section is to get your bird to show stand alertl and in ro er station or its breed Stand at relaxed attention facing the

4 H Poultry Showmanship Scorecard Presentation Showing Points My Score 1 Show person s Appearance 5 Carrying the bird 5 Examining the bird 15 2 Posing the bird for presentation 10 Quality and condition of the bird 10 Handling bird in and out of cage 5 3 Posing the bird during questions 10 Walking the bird 15 4 Showmanship focuses on the 4 H youth s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and skill of handling posing and examining the bird During the competition the judge will evaluate the youth s skills attitude and appearance Check out the Poultry Scorecards below to see the amount of emphasis that is placed on each aspect of the

4 H Poultry Showmanship Score Sheet


4 H Poultry Showmanship Score Sheet


4 H Chicken Showmanship Steps The Pioneer Chicks


Breed Class Fitting Showmanship Alternatives To Live Bird

Poultry showmanship Adapted from Poultry Showmanship Level II 4 H Poultry Leader Notebook Tag A Long Juniors 7 9 yrs Intermediate 10 13 yrs and Seniors 14 yrs and older SHOWMANSHIP 30 pts Holding bird prior to entry bringing bird to judge Caging and removing bird from cage Posing presenting bird to judge Transferring bird to judge or another person Displaying examining naming body parts KNOWLEDGE OF BIRD 40 pts Age sex breed variety class of your bird Judge s Discretion Remainder of questions may

What is a group of chickens ducks or turkeys called What is the purpose of this breed What do baby chicks need because they cannot generate enough heat by themselves KNOWLEDGE OF POULTRY in general and specifically of breed exhibited Each competitor should be asked at least 2 questions a Give the breed variety and sex of your bird 10 b What was the original purpose of this breed eggs meat dual purpose or exhibition 10 c How did you prepare your bird for this show 10 d Other 10 Total Score 100

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Fallbrook 4 H Chicken Showmanship Steps YouTube

Poultry showmanship Adapted from Poultry Showmanship Level II 4 H Poultry Leader Notebook Juniors 7 9 years Intermediate 10 13 years and Seniors 14 years and older What is one new thing you did this year with your project that was a success How do you define sportsmanship Describe the biggest challenge you faced this year as a result of the MDARD show cancellation and how you handled it What goals did you set this year for

KNOWLEDGE f POULTRY TERMS POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP CONIESTANT NO NAME SCORE POSSIBLE CONTEST 10 S 10 30 1 20 V PLACING BIRD in CAGE VI SHOWING BIRD in CAGE VII REMOVAL of BIRD from CAGE 10 10 10 TOTAL SCORE 100 12 4 pted from Poultry Ch wmansblp Level 11 4 U Poultry Leader Notebook 1 9 yu 10 13 u nd S i 14 P o u l tr y S h o w ma n s h i p S c o r e C a r d Step Actions Terms Pts Carry Ma i n t a i n co n t ro l b i rd i s su p p o rt e d a n d se cu re 5 Introduction I n t ro d u ct i o n Na me Jr I n t S r B re e d S e x V a ri e t y Cl a ss Co mb T yp e 1 0 Head T u rn h e a d smo o t h l y d o n t


Homestead Chicken Breed Reviews For 4 H Showmanship The Pioneer


4 H Chicken Showmanship Steps The Pioneer Chicks

4 H Poultry Showmanship Steps And Tips The Pioneer Chicks
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POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP Adapted from Poultry Showmanship Level Il 4 H Poultry Leader Notebook Well oomed Pro er attire Introduction Class earance and Introduction Showing Bird in Cage Posible Score Points 10 10 35 10 20 10 15 115 The object of this section is to get your bird to show stand alertl and in ro er station or its breed Stand at relaxed attention facing the

4 H Chicken Showmanship Steps The Pioneer Chicks
4 H Poultry Showmanship Scorecard University Of Wyoming

4 H Poultry Showmanship Scorecard Presentation Showing Points My Score 1 Show person s Appearance 5 Carrying the bird 5 Examining the bird 15 2 Posing the bird for presentation 10 Quality and condition of the bird 10 Handling bird in and out of cage 5 3 Posing the bird during questions 10 Walking the bird 15 4


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4 H Poultry Showmanship Score Sheet - Poultry showmanship Adapted from Poultry Showmanship Level II 4 H Poultry Leader Notebook Tag A Long Juniors 7 9 yrs Intermediate 10 13 yrs and Seniors 14 yrs and older