4 H Score Sheets For Speeches And Demonstrations Elements will be circled to help the 4 H member understand the scoring decision Note Absent level is not listed and will earn 0 points
With a demonstration the youth MUST use posters and other visual aids props to accompany the demonstration process Awards ribbons will be based on the criteria established on the 4 H score sheets for speeches and demonstrations Instructions Write the appropriate rating in the Score column Make comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvement Use the back of the sheet if necessary Scores below a three must include a comment Neat well groomed dressed appropriately Posture erect but not stiff Gestures natural contribute to talk
4 H Score Sheets For Speeches And Demonstrations
4 H Score Sheets For Speeches And Demonstrations
Kentucky 4 H Public Speaking Speeches Demonstrations Project Shop 4 H
A Guide To Making Great 4 h Speeches Nebraska 4 H
METHOD DEMONSTRATIONS ILLUSTRATED TALKS Score Sheet Name of 4 H er Subject Judged By Other Information HOW TO SCORE I Presentation A Introduction 15 1 Introduced self and demonstration 2 Caught attention of audience and created interest 3 Gave purpose of presentation and told why selected subject Participants going over under time will be assessed a one time penalty of 3 points from the final averaged score and WILL BE ELIGIBLE for a 1st 2nd or 3rd placing
SCORE SHEETS 4 H Educational Presentation Score Sheet V 2023 will be used by contest judges in scoring educational presentations regardless of presentation style method demonstration illustrated talk or speech Separate score sheets are used in public speaking and Share the Fun All Self assured yet pleasant manner 4 H clover optional Voice Grammar Distinct forceful yet natural Clear voice with distinct enunciation reasonably strong
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USAD Speech Judges Training Ppt Download
INSTRUCTIONS Make comments to help participants identify their strengths and areas for improvement 1 Did introduction create interest in subject Was catchy title used Was introduction short and to the point 2 Was one theme clear throughout the presentation 3 Was the theme presented in logical order 4 H public presentations are divided into four general categories demonstrations illustrated talks formal speech and performing arts All offer excellent opportunities for you to learn to speak effectively before groups If you intend to have your presentation judged at a 4 H evet look over the attached 4 H presentations
A separate score sheet is used for public persuasive speeches Components of a Public Presentation Time Not overly emphasized at the local level However the time should fit the topic and be appropriate for the age Set up and take down time is included o Juniors 3 8 minutes o Intermediates 5 15 minutes o Seniors 8 20 minutes Evidence shows the 4 H er has planned presentation 5 Ability to Work Easily Efficiently Steps illustrative material and explanation coordinated Talks about what he she is showing and explains the procedure Information given fills time during the process or is related to what is being shown 5 Summary Key points summarized Reliable
4 h Public Speaking And Project Demonstrations 2017 YouTube
Florida 4 H Score Sheet Demonstrations Illustrated Talks Extension

Elements will be circled to help the 4 H member understand the scoring decision Note Absent level is not listed and will earn 0 points

With a demonstration the youth MUST use posters and other visual aids props to accompany the demonstration process Awards ribbons will be based on the criteria established on the 4 H score sheets for speeches and demonstrations


4 h Public Speaking And Project Demonstrations 2017 YouTube

What Is A 4 H Club This Is 4 H Oklahoma 4 h Volunteer Development

How To Give A 4 H Demonstration YouTube

Buy Dominoes Score Sheet Mexican Train Dominoes Score Sheets Dominos

Fillable Online 4 H Score Sheet Revised 2017 Fax Email Print PdfFiller

Fillable Online 4 H Score Sheet Revised 2017 Fax Email Print PdfFiller
Speech Judges Training Ppt Download

Fillable Online Pierce County 4 H Score Sheet 4 H Teach Me In 3 Fax

Fillable Online 4 H POSTER SCORE SHEET Fax Email Print PdfFiller
4 H Score Sheets For Speeches And Demonstrations - 4 H members should refer to the 4 H Public Speaking Guide for helpful suggestions in preparing their speeches Score sheet will be the same used for the General Public Speaking contest