Acol Bridge Score Sheet Declarer only scores points if they make the contract The first six tricks won don t score any points All the subsequent tricks won do score points
H BENJAMISED ACOL This version of Acol allows one to play their opening two bids as weak 6 10 and the basic structure is outlined below OPENING BIDS 2C Any 8 playing trick hand in a suit yet undefined or a balanced 20 22 points 2D The strongest bid in the system similar to Acol 2C 2H Weak 6 10 points 2S As 2H Open your longest suit or the higher ranking of two equal length suits Exception with exactly 4 hearts and 4 spades open 1 Use rule of 20 with 10 11 pts and good distribution 2 23 pts or fewer points with game in your own hand any shape 2 2 2 8 playing tricks normally about 20
Acol Bridge Score Sheet
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When a pair is vulnerable it changes the game and slam bonuses and undertrick scores See page 45 for how being vulnerable affects these scores Part scores are not affected In duplicate bridge the vulnerability changes on each board the pair that are vulnerable are shown in red Really Clear Acol Bridge Notes Crib sheet for Beginners Crib sheet for improvers Opening Bids Opener s Rebids Responses Overcalling Defence Against Trumps Red Suit Transfers Stayman Good Opening Leads Workshop Notes 5CM Strong NT Strong NT Stayman Transfers Smolen McKendrick Fragment Opening with a 5CM Responses Double
We will illustrate some of these bids by referring to an auction we have already discussed The Limit bid is the most distinctive feature of Acol A player makes a bid which very closely defines his hand strength leaving partner to use common sense to decide upon the correct contract If not stop in the best part score available at the cheapest level you can SHAPE Your first priority is to discover whether your side have an 8 card fit in a MAJOR suit If so play your contract in this suit Ideally a 4 4 fit but a 5 3 fit is almost as good
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This bridge bidding cheat sheet is ideal for beginners Have it handy while you are playing your bridge games The left hand column shows Opening Bids The middle column shows the corresponding Responding Bids The right column shows the Opener s rebids This crib sheet is intended for beginners and improvers as a handy look up when playing with friends It is not a full system guide so always refer to further reference materials for a full description of each bid and partner s continuations Simple responses to 1NT not transfers are used in the main part of the crib sheet HAND VALUATION
This Acol bridge crib sheet is ideal for beginners Have it handy while you are playing your bridge games The left hand column shows Opening Bids The middle column shows the corresponding Responding Bids The right column shows the Opener s rebids On the reverse side are Overcalls and Responding to Overcalls Takeout Doubles and Responses What is Standard English Acol It is a straightforward bidding system based on Acol of which there are many versions being played It was developed by the English Bridge Union for teaching new players and for building on as players improve Limit bids are a
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Bridge Bidding Cheat Sheet Your Guide To Mastering The Game…
Declarer only scores points if they make the contract The first six tricks won don t score any points All the subsequent tricks won do score points Acol Summary.pdf
H BENJAMISED ACOL This version of Acol allows one to play their opening two bids as weak 6 10 and the basic structure is outlined below OPENING BIDS 2C Any 8 playing trick hand in a suit yet undefined or a balanced 20 22 points 2D The strongest bid in the system similar to Acol 2C 2H Weak 6 10 points 2S As 2H

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Acol Bridge Score Sheet - Standard English Basic Acol Weak Twos Quick Guide Hand Evaluation A 4 K 3 Q 2 J 1 Once a good trump fit has been established the hand that will become dummy can count dummy points as follows Void 5 Singleton 3 Doubleton 1 Points needed for Game 3NT 4