Afrotc Pft Score Sheet

Afrotc Pft Score Sheet USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score

USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 years of age Final Version Final Version Muscular Fitness Unsatisfactory 75 0 Composite Score Categories Minimum Component Values Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Excellent 90 0 Composite Score Categories Excellent ts Satisfact site score ss these to achieve 75 0 com Unsatisfact Ca rdi Run Tim e mins 10 23 1106 11 07 12 14 13 14 NOTES to ry Endurance AC inches 30 0 31 0 32 0 325 33 0 335 36 0 37 0 375 Com sition Health Risk Cate Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk

Afrotc Pft Score Sheet


Afrotc Pft Score Sheet


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Minimum score in each event and a total score of at least 75 points See exact points per event by gender on following pages Note All information in this handout is from AFI 36 2905 which takes effect 1 July 2010 Previous PFA guidance test composition and scoring was IAW AFI 10 248 How to pass the PFA Make physical fitness fun Score 1 5 Mile Run Time Yes No 20 Meter HAMR Shuttles Yes No 2 KM Walk Time Yes No Exempt Total Score PART III ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MEMBER TESTING Signature Date PFA ADMINISTRATOR Name Signature Date FAC UFAC Name Signature Date I have received and considered the provided medical documentation and render this test valid

AUTHORITY 10 U S C 8013 and Executive Order 9397 SSN PURPOSE Information is used to positively identify an individual prior to administration of the Air Force Fitness Assessment FA Determining Fitness Score Fitness level is determined by adding aerobic fitness body composition push up and crunch component points Members must complete all components unless medically exempted If medically exempted from any compone nt the total score is calculated as follows Total component points achieved X 100 Total possible points

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Afrotc form 30 20120712 AFROTC PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT SCORE SHEET BEFORE PERFORMING PFA QFR PARTICIPANT MUST READ CIRCLE APPLICABLE BOLD AREAS AND SIGN Requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier T 0 T 1 T 2 T 3 number following the compliance statement See Department of the Air Force DAF In truction DAFI 33 360 Publications and Forms Management for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier numbers Submit requests for waivers through the

Cadets over the maximum BMI standard who are athletes must have a temporary athletic body composition waiver in their cadet record The Physical Fitness Test PFT is taken twice a year fall and spring semesters to ensure cadets meet Air Force fitness requirements 86 AFI36 2905 21 OCTOBER 2013 Attachment 10 FITNESS ASSESSMENT CHARTS A10 1 Fitness Assessment Chart Male Age 30


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USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males lt 25 Years Of Age Final …
USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score

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USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males lt 25 Years Of Age Final…
USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 years of age Final Version Final Version Muscular Fitness Unsatisfactory 75 0 Composite Score Categories Minimum Component Values Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Excellent 90 0


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Afrotc Pft Score Sheet - Composite Score Categories Excellent pts Satisfact site score ss these to achieve 75 0 com Unsatisfact Ca rdi Run Tim e mins 12 14 13 14 NOTES to ry Endurance AC inches 30 0 31 0 32 0 325 33 0 335 36 0 37 0 375 Com sition Health Risk Cate Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk