Afrotc Physical Fitness Assessment Score Sheet USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score
Set goals to improve individual event scores and the overall score Break periods of study by performing individual exercises Read a chapter or finish an assignment and do some push ups Physical Fitness Test The Physical Fitness Test PFT is taken twice a year fall and spring semesters to ensure cadets meet Air Force fitness requirements Cadets who are in the General Military Course GMC but not on a scholarship must attempt the test but do not have to pass
Afrotc Physical Fitness Assessment Score Sheet
Afrotc Physical Fitness Assessment Score Sheet
Here Are The Scoring Charts For The Air Force s New PT Test Exercises
Fillable Online Afrotc Physical Fitness Assessment Form Rests Afrotc
USAF Fitness Test Scoring Females 30 years of age Ca rdi Run Tim e mins to ry Endurance AC inches 33 0 335 34 0 36 0 37 0 41 5 42 0 Com sition Health Risk Cate Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk MO derate Risk High Risk High Afrotc form 30 20120712 AFROTC PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT SCORE SHEET BEFORE PERFORMING PFA QFR PARTICIPANT MUST READ CIRCLE APPLICABLE BOLD AREAS AND SIGN
AUTHORITY 10 U S C 8013 and Executive Order 9397 SSN PURPOSE Information is used to positively identify an individual prior to administration of the Air Force Fitness Assessment FA FITNESS ASSESSMENT CHARTS A10 1 Fitness Assessment Chart Composite Score Categories Excellent ts Satisfact site score ss these to achieve 75 0 com Unsatisfact Created Date 5 23 2018 4 17 07 PM
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New Air Force PT Test Standards Scoring Chart 2023 2024 USAF Scores
Download and print a copy of the Physical Fitness Assessment PFA worksheet Take a copy of the PFA worksheet with you when you complete the fitness assessment Have the examiner fill in all of the information on the form and have him her sign and date it Minimum performance standards on the Physical Fitness Assessment FA and commissioning Qualifying Fitness Review QFR
USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 years of age Final Version Final Version Muscular Fitness Unsatisfactory 75 0 Composite Score Categories Minimum Component Values Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Added Cadets and applicants will complete the Fitness Screening Questionnaire FSQ found in AFI 362905 Attachment 4 prior to attempting the FA QFR Any response
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USAF Fitness Assessment Scoring Males 25 29 years of age Final Version Health Risk Category low moderate or high risk for Satisfactory 75 0 89 9 Unsatisfactory 75 0 Final Version Passing Requirements member must 1 achieve a composite point total 75 points and 2 meet minimum point values for all components Composite Score…
Set goals to improve individual event scores and the overall score Break periods of study by performing individual exercises Read a chapter or finish an assignment and do some push ups

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Air Force Fitness Test Standards 2024 Sarah Cornelle

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Fitness Assessment Score Sheet

Fitness Assessment Score Sheet

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Fitness Assessment Score Sheet

Student Physical Fitness Test Score Sheet Excel Template And Google
Afrotc Physical Fitness Assessment Score Sheet - Air Force ROTC require High School Scholarship applicants to complete a Physical Fitness Assessment PFA and record the results using this certification form The PFA consists of three events one minute push ups one minute sit ups and a 1 5 mile run