Aoudad Sheep Score Sheet Field judging an Aoudad is not as easy as sizing up a Blackbuck or Axis Although there are lots of theories on how to best field judge these exotics like counting curls using ears to measure horn length and body size and coat color we re going to
Both are fantastic Barbary Sheep Both these rams exhibit the front end view features typical of 30 rams First the animals have large horn bases that appear to touch in Picture A From this close up shot you can see hide between the horns but from a distance that sliver will disappear Method 9 For multi horned sheep Method 10 For pronghorn antelope Method 11 For wild sheep bharal aoudad and tur
Aoudad Sheep Score Sheet
Aoudad Sheep Score Sheet
Pic Of Aoudad Photo Of Aoudad Pic Of Aoudad Pic Of Aoudad Etsy
Aoudad Sheep Barbary Sheep Hunting In Spain IBERHUNTING
Interest on how to get your hunt scored Below you will find score sheets for each animal Just take it to your local taxidermist for them to fillit out Return completed form with 20 fee to Records of Exotics Po Box 502 Ingram TX 78025 Here s a video about measuring an aoudad using SCI Method 11 and the 3 rule Not sure if I explained this very well but take the length of the longest horn
The RECORDS OF EXOTICS scoring system and book was originated in 1976 by Thompson Temple of Ingram Texas Thompson realized there was a need for competition and recognition among exotic hunters within the United States Looking to learn how to field judge Aoudad better Any tips or measurements of the face you use to guess horn length Or just look for mass
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Scoring Aoudad Sheep Outdoors International
Aoudad Sheep Ark Encounter
Field judging an Aoudad is not as easy as sizing up a Blackbuck or Axis Although there are lots of theories on how to best field judge these exotics like counting curls using ears to measure horn length and body size and coat color we re going to All 17 score charts are available as PDF files you can download directly to your desktop Not sure how to take all the measurements Good news each score chart includes complete measuring instructions
We all have our own personal methods of scoring or field judging a ram and mule deer on the property but it is a rough scoring system but all very similar We are looking for other options to compair Ok so three of us including shooter7 are headed down to Texas in mid January to hunt aoudad sheep The question has come up about judging these rams For
Aoudad Sheep Wild Horns Ranch
Aoudad Sheep
Field judging an Aoudad is not as easy as sizing up a Blackbuck or Axis Although there are lots of theories on how to best field judge these exotics like counting curls using ears to measure horn length and body size and coat color we re going to
Both are fantastic Barbary Sheep Both these rams exhibit the front end view features typical of 30 rams First the animals have large horn bases that appear to touch in Picture A From this close up shot you can see hide between the horns but from a distance that sliver will disappear

Aoudad Sheep By Gary Langley Rare Animals Unique Animals Wild

Aoudad Sheep Wild Horns Ranch

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Aoudad Sheep Paint By Numbers Numeral Paint Kit

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Aoudad Sheep barbary Sheep Free Ranging In Texas SCI Gold Score

Auodad Sheep By Gary Langley Sheep Farm Animals Animal Pictures
Aoudad Sheep Score Sheet - Interest on how to get your hunt scored Below you will find score sheets for each animal Just take it to your local taxidermist for them to fillit out Return completed form with 20 fee to Records of Exotics Po Box 502 Ingram TX 78025