Apft Score Sheet Sit Up

Apft Score Sheet Sit Up Use the Male Situp Standards scoresheet below to get your score or to see how many situps you need to do to get a 100 score in this APFT event To learn the APFT rules and standards for performing a proper Situp see our Army PT Test page

Below is a table showing the scores given for the number of sit ups successfully completed according to age Scroll down to find the number repetitions of sit ups you can perform in two The APFT Standards scale used by the Army to determine a soldier s physical fitness At least 60 points per event are required in the Army Updated every year to ensure the APFT charts are accurate and up to date See what you are required to score based on your age and gender

Apft Score Sheet Sit Up


Apft Score Sheet Sit Up


New APFT Standards Score Sheet Regulation 2023


New APFT Standards Score Sheet Regulation 2023

APFT sit up scoring is based on the number of correctly executed sit ups performed within two minutes Scores are categorized into points ranging from 0 to 100 Below 60 points Failing to meet the minimum requirements scoring decreases with fewer sit ups performed 0 points Failing to perform any sit ups correctly Sit Ups 2 Minutes The sit up event is an essential part of the Army Physical Fitness Test APFT aimed at evaluating abdominal and hip flexor strength and endurance Participants are required to perform as many sit ups as possible in two minutes

The test includes push ups sit ups and a 2 mile run with scores based on your age gender and performance Let s dive into what you need to know to meet or exceed these standards and strengthen your position in the Army 2 Exercise programs even though minimum APFT standards are achieved c Maximum allowable percent body fat standards are shown in table 3 2 However all personnel are encouraged to achieve the more stringent Department of Defense goal which is 18 percent body fat for males and 26 percent body fat for females Table 3 2

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Pu raw score initials points su raw score initials points 2mr raw score initials points alternate aerobic event go no go total points ncoic oic signature comments special instruction use ink pu push ups su sit ups 2mr 2 mile run apft army physical fitness test da form 705 may 2010 legend body composition event time lbs go no go test two test three test four army Scoring on the APFT is based on gender age category number of repetitions performed of the push up and sit up and run time Army APFT Standards are found on our website or in the Army Training Circular 3 22 20 and Department of the Army

It ups is with ladder training This is where an individual performs as many push ups or sit ups as he she can possibly complete followed by a short rest period and then perform fewer repetitions than be fore but enough where it is still difficult and then repeat this sequence until the p Pu raw score initials points su raw score initials points 2mr raw score initials points alternate aerobic event go no go total points ncoic oic signature comments body composition event time lbs go no go grade test four weight date age height in inches body fat go no go pu raw score initials points su raw score initials


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Male Situp Standards For 2024 Male APFT Standards

Use the Male Situp Standards scoresheet below to get your score or to see how many situps you need to do to get a 100 score in this APFT event To learn the APFT rules and standards for performing a proper Situp see our Army PT Test page

New APFT Standards Score Sheet Regulation 2023
The Following Pages Cover The Scoring Basis For Sit ups Push Ups

Below is a table showing the scores given for the number of sit ups successfully completed according to age Scroll down to find the number repetitions of sit ups you can perform in two


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APFT Sit Ups YouTube

Apft Score Sheet Sit Up - APFT sit up scoring is based on the number of correctly executed sit ups performed within two minutes Scores are categorized into points ranging from 0 to 100 Below 60 points Failing to meet the minimum requirements scoring decreases with fewer sit ups performed 0 points Failing to perform any sit ups correctly