Aqha Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Score Sheet AQHA Ranch Riding Blank Score Sheet Navigation Skip to Content Ranch Riding Blank Score Sheet All Champions Amateur Open Youth September 28 2022 News and Publications Ranching 100 Year Breeders The W T Waggoner Estate and King Ranch have been breeding American Quarter Horses for 100 years September 06 2022 AQHA
Use of two hands except junior and level 1 horses shown in a snaffle bit hackamore more than one finger between split reins or any fingers between romal reins except in the tow rein MANEUV General Score Sheet Template Judges Ladder Score Sheet Judges Result Cards H ship S ship Hunt Seat Eq Hunter Hack Hunter In Hand Lunge Line Pleasure Driving Ranch Riding Template Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Ranch Riding Pattern 2 Ranch Riding Pattern 3 Ranch Riding Pattern 4 Ranch Riding Pattern 5 Ranch Riding Pattern 6 Reining
Aqha Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Score Sheet
Aqha Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Score Sheet
AQHA 11 Ranch Riding Patterns For Practice Ranch Riding Riding
Ranch Riding AQHA Pattern 10 YouTube
Browse the following links to see all the patterns for ranch riding In ranch riding the horse is judged on its ability to work at a forward working speed while performing required and optional maneuvers Leaving arena before completing pattern Entry MANOEUVRE SCORES 1 Extremely Poor 1 Very Poor Poor 0 Correct Good 1 Very Good 1 Excellent Tie Breakers Specific manoeuvres and or obstacles will be selected by Judge prior to start of class and so noted below and will be ranked as 1st 2nd 3rd etc Description W Trot ExT
WY 4 H RANCH RIDING New for 2016 Available to Juniors Intermediates and Seniors Class judging criteria referenced from AQHA Purpose The purpose of the Ranch Riding horse should reflect the versatility attitude and movement of a working horse The horse s performance should simulate a horse riding outside Judge s Signature MANEUVER SCORES 1 Extremely Poor 1 Very Poor Poor 0 Correct Good 1 Very Good 1 Excellent PENALTY PENALTY
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Date maneuver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 penalty total score draw exhb penalty score score draw exhb penalty score score Patterns and Score Sheets Below find valuable information and documents for Judges and Stewards alike Looking for forms charts Notebook chapters or Steward information
No specific penalties will be incurred for nicks hits of logs poles or for over under spins but deductions may be made in maneuver score Begins with a score of 70 1 1 2 extremely poor 1 Very Poor 1 2 Poor 0 correct 1 2 Good 1 Very Good 1 1 2 Excellent RANCH RIDING Pattern 1 1 Walk 2 Trot 3 Extend the trot at the top of the arena stop 4 360 degree turn to the left 5 Left lead circle lope to the centre 6 Change leads simple or flying 7 Right lead circle 8 Extended lope up the long side of the arena right lead 9 Collect back to a lope around the top of the arena and back
Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Ranch Riding Riding Pattern
Amateur Ranch Riding Finals Pattern From The 2015 Lucas Oil AQHA World…
AQHA Ranch Riding Blank Score Sheet Navigation Skip to Content Ranch Riding Blank Score Sheet All Champions Amateur Open Youth September 28 2022 News and Publications Ranching 100 Year Breeders The W T Waggoner Estate and King Ranch have been breeding American Quarter Horses for 100 years September 06 2022 AQHA…
Use of two hands except junior and level 1 horses shown in a snaffle bit hackamore more than one finger between split reins or any fingers between romal reins except in the tow rein MANEUV

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Aqha Ranch Riding Pattern 1 Score Sheet - 1 Jog in arena and 1 2 way up long side 2 Extended trot around end and 1 2 way across end 3 Walk around end 4 Lope on left lead down long side 5 Extended lope around end and up arena before slowing to a 6 working lope 7 Change leads 8 Lope on right lead to 1 2 way across end 9 Stop 360 turn either direction 10 Jog around