Beetle Drive Score Sheets Once you ve finished all of the games count up your total score The player with the highest score overall is the winner Throws You MUST throw a six to start Body 1 Head 1 Tail 1 Leg 6 Antenna 2 Eye 2 Score
Playing Beetle Select a beetle game sheet to play We have 4 6 8 12 rounds of beetle sheets to download for free Pick the right size game for your event Seat your players at their tables Ideally you want 4 6 players at each table Try to make your tables as even as possible as the less players there are at a table the better Equipment A beetle drive is a low cost event to run Make sure everyone has a pencil and a die and provide players with a score sheet a set of the rules and a template showing what number they need to throw for each body part Download a score sheet and a template below
Beetle Drive Score Sheets
Beetle Drive Score Sheets
Beetle Drive Game Cards Double Sided For Twice The Fun
Beetle Drives are a great fundraiser and super simple to host Download our beetle sheets for FREE and have fun playing beetle A die and provide players with a score sheet a set of the rules overleaf and a template showing what number they need to throw for each body part Download a score sheet and a beetle template from pta co uk events Rules See overleaf Great for EvERyonE Fun factor Effort potential
Beetle drive scorecard Throw a six to start your beetle drawing the body first Throw a five to draw the head Additional body parts can be drawn by throwing the corresponding number The winner is the player who completes the beetle the quickest Throws 6 Body x1 5 Head x1 4 Wings x2 3 Legs x6 2 Antennae x2 1 Eyes x2 Maximum score You should have 4 players in your team a dice a beetle drive game sheet and a pen
More picture related to Beetle Drive Score Sheets
Global Featured Beetle Drive Score Pads For Beetle Game X 4 Pads Image Files/TicketsandCards_BreakOpenTicketsandCards_BeetleDriveCards_6142.jpg
Beetle Drive Score Pads For Beetle Game Amazon co uk Toys Games
Beetle Drive Knowstone Parish Council drive.png
Score 1 point for each body part on your Beetle Highest and lowest score in each group move to the next table Highest score at the end is crowned Beetle Champion 1 Cut out the pieces of the beetle and place in the middle of the table 2 Take turns to roll the dice highest score goes first 3 Roll the dice and add the piece of beetle with that number to your sheet 4 First person to complete and shout BEETLE is the winner 5 You can play in rounds and tot up scores on the scorecard 6 Round
Beetle Drive Game Sheet Rules You need a 6 to start no parts can be drawn without a body You need a 5 for a head before you can add eyes or antennas A complete beetle will have a body a head a tail 2 eyes 2 antenna and 6 legs This project has received funding from the European Union s Horizon 2020 research Player then throws the dice and draws body parts of the beetle depending upon the number on the dice Note that you must have thrown a 1 to draw the head before you can draw the feelers and eyes Each player keeps their own score for each game and the overall winner of all the games on the sheet is the player who scores the most points
Festive Beetle Drive Game Score Cards Double Sided For Twice The Fun
Beetle Drive Cards Kellyseye…
Once you ve finished all of the games count up your total score The player with the highest score overall is the winner Throws You MUST throw a six to start Body 1 Head 1 Tail 1 Leg 6 Antenna 2 Eye 2 Score
Playing Beetle Select a beetle game sheet to play We have 4 6 8 12 rounds of beetle sheets to download for free Pick the right size game for your event Seat your players at their tables Ideally you want 4 6 players at each table Try to make your tables as even as possible as the less players there are at a table the better

PartiKraft Beetle Drive Score Pad 50 Double Sided Game Sheets 6

Festive Beetle Drive Game Score Cards Double Sided For Twice The Fun

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Beetle Drive Score Pads X2

Old School Beetle Drive The Old Electric

Old School Beetle Drive The Old Electric

Festive Beetle Drive Game Score Cards Double Sided For Twice The Fun

Amazon Gibson Beetle Drive Game Play Sheets Toys Games

Global Featured Beetle Drive Score Pads For Beetle Game X 4 Pads
Beetle Drive Score Sheets - You should have 4 players in your team a dice a beetle drive game sheet and a pen