Beginner Novice 4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheet Beginner Pre Novice Class A B OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET For Judge s Use ONLY Not to be distributed Pub No 4H439 Date Dog No Show Breed Judge Exercise Can use one word of praise one time during the exercise Max points Points off Net score Heel on leash 20 Point Penalty Unmanageable Unqualified heeling
Explanation of penalty Total Net Score Harsh discipline Showed fear Fouled ring Expelled Excused Less penalty for unusual behavior Maximum Points 200 40 40 Figure 8 On Leash 40 Forward Halt Exercise finished Exercise and Judge s Orders Max Points NET Points Lost SCORE NS No Score Substantial Minor Heel On Leash Forward 40 Halt Left turn About turn WASHINGTON STATE 4 H DOG OBEDIENCE PROGRAM BEGINNER NOVICE SCORE SHEET Register Log in Wishlist 0 Shopping cart 0 You have no items in your shopping cart Publications Contact Info Links Search My account Menu Publications 4 H General Materials Information for Volunteers Information for Youth Projects and Publications Agriculture
Beginner Novice 4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheet
Beginner Novice 4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheet
Fillable Online 4 H Dog Obedience Trial Score Sheet Class 2 A Fax Email
Fillable Online Extension Arizona COCHISE COUNTY 4 H DOG OBEDIENCE
Beginner Pre Novice Class A B OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET For Judge s Use ONLY Not to be distributed Pub No 4H439 Date Dog No Show Breed Judge Exercise Can use one word of praise one time during the exercise Max points Points off Net score 2 Heel Impropeon leash 0 Point Penalty Unmanageable SAMPLE OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET Guide for Judge s Use ONLY May be modified as desired DATE CLASS BEGINNER NOVICE A or B DOG NO TRIAL BREED Note If a dog receives a non qualifying score for any exercise NQ should be recorded in points lost column Total score need not be given NQ may be
Notes Note For the safety of all a dog that snaps bites or attempts to bite will be excused from the ring Revised 2023 EXERCISE SAMPLE OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET Guide for Judge s Use ONLY May be modified as desired DATE CLASS NOVICE A or B DOG NO SHOW BREED Note if a dog receives a non qualifying score for any exercise NQ should be recorded in points off column Total score need not be given NQ may be put in Total Score column
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SCORE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING 4 H Revised February 2022 JUDGES Please see current 4H guidelines for exercise descriptions Dogs receiving major deductions failure to complete the essential components of the exercise must not qualify for state fair or receive a score greater than 170 points Add the above scores to the individual score sheets in the appropriate location on the individual score sheet to complete the final score for each obedience exhibitor
TOTAL NET SCORE OFFICIAL TEXAS 4 H TRIAL SCORE SHEET BEGINNER NOVICE A or B SHOW DATE response 40 NON QUALIFYING NQ QUALIFYING HEEL ON LEASH 40 Handler continually adapts pace to dog 40 THEN FIGURE 8 Constant tugging on leash or guiding 4 H Dog Obedience Trial Score Sheet Class Begining Novice A or B Primary Jr Intermediate Sr Name Date Exhibitor No Placing 45 Score Points Possible Deductions 25 Score Points Possible Deductions Points Possible Deductions 30 Score Points Possible Deductions 30 200 points possible sub total Penalty Deductions Points Possible
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Beginner Pre Novice Class A B OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET For Judge s Use ONLY Not to be distributed Pub No 4H439 Date Dog No Show Breed Judge Exercise Can use one word of praise one time during the exercise Max points Points off Net score Heel on leash 20 Point Penalty Unmanageable Unqualified heeling…
Explanation of penalty Total Net Score Harsh discipline Showed fear Fouled ring Expelled Excused Less penalty for unusual behavior Maximum Points 200 40 40 Figure 8 On Leash 40 Forward Halt Exercise finished Exercise and Judge s Orders Max Points NET Points Lost SCORE NS No Score Substantial Minor Heel On Leash Forward 40 Halt Left turn About turn

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Beginner Novice 4 H Dog Obedience Score Sheet - OBEDIENCE JUDGE S WORKSHEET Guide for Judge s Use ONLY May be modified as desired DATE CLASS BEGINNER NOVICE A or B DOG NO TRIAL BREED Note If a dog receives a non qualifying score for any exercise NQ should be recorded in points lost column Total score need not be given NQ may be put in Total Score column