Boone And Crockett Score Sheet Whitetail Buck To be counted a point the projection must be at least one inch long with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length All points measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated in Figure A Beam tip is counted as a point but not measured as a point
Click here to go the French score chart download page Please note that the Boone and Crockett Club score charts are protected by copyright laws Each score chart is available as a separate PDF file Boone and Crockett scoring is easy if you follow the instructions When that rack dries out you ll want to get an official Boone Crockett score Use this official score sheet from the 2010 Deer Hunters Almanac Click here to download this scoring sheet
Boone And Crockett Score Sheet Whitetail Buck
Boone And Crockett Score Sheet Whitetail Buck
6 Point Dinosaur Trophy Buck Logs High B C Score Game Fish
Free Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet PDF Mule Deer
All measurements must be made with a 1 4 inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one eighth of an inch Note A flexible steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only All measurements must be made with a 1 4 inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one eighth of an inch Note A flexible steel cable can be used to measure points and main beams only
Official scoring system for north american big game trophies MINIMUM SCORES TYPICAL KIND OF DEER check one AWARDS ALL TIME WHITETAIL AND COUES DEER Kl whitetail Every whitetail rack no many how many tines it has gets four circumference scores H on the B C sheet per side Measure these with a flexible steel tape wrapped around the main beam
More picture related to Boone And Crockett Score Sheet Whitetail Buck
Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club
Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club
Boone Crockett Confirms World Record Tucker Buck Largest Hunter
Here s a quick hit summary of the eight steps for scoring a typical buck s rack download a scoring sheet here 1 Add the total length of both main beams 2 Add the total length of all the points 3 Add total length of four circumference measurements 4 Add the spread credit Spread credit is the inside spread measurement unless that The majority of hunters know that the Boone Crockett Club measuring system is the most common way to score white tailed deer antlers but many don t know how to properly score a harvested buck Of course hunters also score shed antlers or dead bucks they have found somewhere
In this video I ll teach you how to score a whitetail deer using four categories of measurements and some simple math I m an official scorer for the Boone Crockett Club and have done this hundreds of times You ll first measure both main beams all the tines four circumferences on each side The major features that make up a B C score for a whitetail deer are F main beam length G point lengths H circumferences and D Inside Spread not shown The Boone and Crockett Club recognizes two categories of whitetail deer
Free Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet PDF Mule Deer
Free Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet PDF Mule Deer
To be counted a point the projection must be at least one inch long with the length exceeding width at one inch or more of length All points measured from tip of point to nearest edge of beam as illustrated in Figure A Beam tip is counted as a point but not measured as a point
Click here to go the French score chart download page Please note that the Boone and Crockett Club score charts are protected by copyright laws Each score chart is available as a separate PDF file

Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet

Free Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet PDF Mule Deer

Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet

Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club

Gross Booner

Whitetail Deer Scoring Sheet

Whitetail Deer Scoring Sheet

Free Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet PDF Mule Deer

Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet

Scorechart Typical Mule Deer And Blacktails Boone And Crockett Club
Boone And Crockett Score Sheet Whitetail Buck - Every whitetail rack no many how many tines it has gets four circumference scores H on the B C sheet per side Measure these with a flexible steel tape wrapped around the main beam