Bull Riding Judges Score Sheet

Bull Riding Judges Score Sheet SCORING SHEETS Event BULL RIDE Judge Name i Bull Ride Section l Round Competitor 1 Daniel Rogan 2 Jake Schiller 3 Sebastian Geooert Signature Type 245 J6 424JG 78 223 BUCKS BOY SPOTTED DANGER Mim Total Place Q I 4l l J WHITTLESEA RODEO 2024 VIC Date 24 02 2024 24 02 2024 Event BAREBACK BRONC RIDE Judge NameS

JUDGES SCORING SHEETS Event BULL RIDE Judge eN Name jme ls l Bull Ride Section 1 Round Competitor 1 Michael Johnston 2 Cameron Southern 3 Jackson Gray 4 Brumby Brandenburg 5 Daniel Rogan Type Signature Livestock No 0 777 PW 0 OY63PW 0 W866 PW 0 W872PW 0 N04 PW Livestock Name IRON MAN BAD BOY BROWN APACHE Each judge will score both the rider and the bull on a scoring range of 0 25 Higher numbers for the rider indicate a better job done during the ride while higher numbers for the bull indicate a rougher ride and a more difficult time for the rider

Bull Riding Judges Score Sheet


Bull Riding Judges Score Sheet


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IAN BULL RIDING TITLES 2023 VIC Date 15 12 2023 16 12 2023 JUDGES SCORING SHEETS Round 3 Event OPEN BULL RIDE Round Competitor o I Yv t ac o W I an I 5 lane ti lt Judges score the rider from 0 25 and the bull 0 25 the four judged scores are added together with a total maximum score of 100 points If you think it doesn t seem that tough we ll leave you with this note Wade Leslie is the only bull rider in history to score a perfect 100 when he rode Wolfman back in 1991

In bull riding the rider is scored on elements such as their ability to stay balanced on the bull display quick reflexes and the ability to coordinate with the bull s movements For the bull a judge will be looking at their unique bucking style to help come up with a total final score for the ride as no two bulls have the same type of In the roughstock events bareback saddle bronc and bull riding the horse or bull accounts for half of the score Barrel racing contestants depend on their horses to assist them in a good run As with any sport it is to the spectator s advantage

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Judging Score Sheet Template

When a bull rider succeeds in staying on the bull for at least eight seconds a Professional Championship Bull riders panel of judges issues a score for both rider and animal For the rider judges consider the degree of control exhibited during the ride Judges score several aspects of both the bull and the rider Judges look at how hard a time the bull gives the rider the harder the ride more points are awarded Generally the more power speed and agility that the bulls display that will also result in more points

The 5 categories judges utilize are detailed for scoring bulls Every bull is viewed for the 5 categories during competition for a fair score by different judges 1 Buck 0 5 points available In this system the term buck refers to the height achieved with the front feet and shoulders as a bull begins each jump of a trip Bull Riding Scoring Judges score the rider and the bull for an aggregate score for the rider bull team Both the riders and the bulls are scored out of 50 each This means that one rider bull duo is scored out of 100


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SCORING SHEETS Event BULL RIDE Judge Name i Bull Ride Section l Round Competitor 1 Daniel Rogan 2 Jake Schiller 3 Sebastian Geooert Signature Type 245 J6 424JG 78 223 BUCKS BOY SPOTTED DANGER Mim Total Place Q I 4l l J WHITTLESEA RODEO 2024 VIC Date 24 02 2024 24 02 2024 Event BAREBACK BRONC RIDE Judge NameS

Judges Score Cards Cards Info

JUDGES SCORING SHEETS Event BULL RIDE Judge eN Name jme ls l Bull Ride Section 1 Round Competitor 1 Michael Johnston 2 Cameron Southern 3 Jackson Gray 4 Brumby Brandenburg 5 Daniel Rogan Type Signature Livestock No 0 777 PW 0 OY63PW 0 W866 PW 0 W872PW 0 N04 PW Livestock Name IRON MAN BAD BOY BROWN APACHE


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Bull Riding Judges Score Sheet - Judges score the rider from 0 25 and the bull 0 25 the four judged scores are added together with a total maximum score of 100 points If you think it doesn t seem that tough we ll leave you with this note Wade Leslie is the only bull rider in history to score a perfect 100 when he rode Wolfman back in 1991