Cap Chief Essay Score Sheet You must write a 300 500 word essay and present a 5 to 7 minute speech to the unit on one of the topics below A senior member will evaluate the essay and speech using these critique forms Explain why America s aerospace power is vital to commerce science or national security
Leadership Feedback Form Cadet s Perspectives sections Cadet will complete the Cadet s Perspectives sections on the Feedback Form and return it to the supervising cadet officer Essays must contain 300 500 words in a double spaced and spell checked Word document 1 Cadets must follow the basic high school English essay writing rules for grammar punctuation and sentence paragraph structure 2 The essays must include a Title Date Rank Name CAP ID Number and References for information sources
Cap Chief Essay Score Sheet
Cap Chief Essay Score Sheet
Maryland 4 H Essay Score Sheet
Essay Writing Evaluation Criteria
First Submit Your Technical Document essay Ensure your CMSgt Achievement 8 or your Staff Duty Analysis technical document is complete and follows the guidelines provided Make your selections and upload your document Leadership Laboratory TEST SCORE Leadership Laboratory DRILL SCORE Leadership Laboratory ESSAY 300 500 WORDS Leadership Laboratory SPEECH 5 7 MINUTES Character Development COMPLETE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT NAME OF ACTIVITY Monthly Activity Cadet Oath RECITE FROM MEMORY MAY RETEST AS MANY TIMES AS
Complete a 300 to 500 word essay and 5 to 7 minute speech using the guidelines and score sheets found at www capmembers cadet programs stripes to diamonds neil armstrong achievement Arrange with the Cadet Command Staff to Passing Score The number of evaluation items varies from test to test The test scorecards specify how many items the cadets must successfully complete to pass that test Generally passing scores are roughly 75 Expert Help Testing officers may use drill and ceremonies experts to help administer the test call commands etc
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Passing Score 80 16 20 Part 1 You re the best First Sergeant on the encampment staff The Cadet Commander comes seeking your expertise on how to handle Group Formations At this encampment there are three squadrons the two flights each For the purposes of this test your tasks are as follows 1 Diagram how the Group should be Complete a 300 to 500 word essay and 5 to 7 minute speech using the guidelines and score sheets found at capmembers armstrong Arrange with the Cadet Command Staff to schedule
See CAPP 60 31 and CAPR 20 1 for suggestions Cadets having at least three years JROTC experience may serve for just 4 weeks 28 days see CAPR 60 1 5 4 4 and 5 6 2 3 Technical Writing The cadet drafts a technical document that is relevant to leadership and managerial challenges they encounter as leaders in their organization Please staple all related score sheets to this promotion sheet Such as Uniform Inspection Sheet Drill Test Uniform Inspection Score Dr Robert Goddard is called The Father of Modern Rocketry
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You must write a 300 500 word essay and present a 5 to 7 minute speech to the unit on one of the topics below A senior member will evaluate the essay and speech using these critique forms Explain why America s aerospace power is vital to commerce science or national security…
Leadership Feedback Form Cadet s Perspectives sections Cadet will complete the Cadet s Perspectives sections on the Feedback Form and return it to the supervising cadet officer

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Cap Chief Essay Score Sheet - Complete a 300 to 500 word essay and 5 to 7 minute speech using the guidelines and score sheets found at www capmembers cadet programs stripes to diamonds neil armstrong achievement Arrange with the Cadet Command Staff to