Cutting Horse Score Sheet HORSE SCORE PENALTIES Above Average RUN CONTENT Average Below Average 1 PT Time 3 PTS Forced off Horse quitting a cow 14 a Miss Loss of working advantage 11 B Losing a cow 9 B Reining or visibly cueing 8 C Changing cattle after a specific C Noise directed toward cattle 5a commitment 10 D Toe foot or stirrup on
Each judge s sheet is based on his or her educated opinion of how well or how poorly the run was performed Click here for official NCHA Judges Card Download a full copy of this article on CHTO by clicking here The score is tallied based on overall marks and Disqualification score 0 illegal equipment or leaving working area before time expires or inhumane treatment to the horse PENALTIES Three Point A Hot quit 13 B Cattle picked up or scattered 5b C Second hand on the reins 8b D Spur in the shoulder 8c E Pawing or biting cattle 12 F Failure to make a deep cut 1 G
Cutting Horse Score Sheet
Cutting Horse Score Sheet
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ARHA Ranch Cutting Score Sheet Judge s Signature Date PENALTIES 1 point A Loss of working advantage by more than 1 horse length B Gapping mouth when reined 1 Very Good C Excessive spurring or cuing D Working out of position 0 Correct E Toe foot or stirrup on the shoulder A score of zero will be given if the work is not complete at that time 2 and half minute time limit for each horse Scoring is on the basis of 1 100 with 70 denoting an average performance
VRH Ranch Cutting Score Sheet Show Date Class Class Title 1 POINT PENALTIES 5 POINT PENALTIES ZERO SCORE 0 Over Bridled per maneuver Horse quitting cow Turning tail Out of Frame per maneuver Losing cow Failure to cut two cows Losing working advantage Changing cattle after a specific commitment Major disobedience or Automatic disqualifiation 0 score If horse turns tail horse falls to ground illegal equipment leaving work area before time expires cut more than 1 finger between the reins
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F Failure to make a deep cut 1 G Back Fence 6 Five Point A Horse quitting a cow 14 B Losing a cow 9 C Changing cattle after a specific commitment 10 D Failure to separate a single animal after leaving the herd 15 60 If horse turns tail 7 0 If horse falls to ground 17 Disqualification score 0 illegal ARHA Ranch Cutting Score Sheet Judge s Signature Date Must be signed and dated by judge Class Class Name CREDITS 1 A Quiet in the herd smoothness of cut B Degree of difficulty C Time spent working D Driving controlling cow E Softness willingness of horse F Natural cow ability G Horse Rider ability to work together H Working on loose or light rein
NRHA JUDGES SCORE CARD Judge Event Date Class Pattern MANEUVER SCORES 1 1 2 Extremely Poor 1 Very Poor 1 2 Poor 0 Correct 1 2 Good 1 Cutting like skating or gymnastics is judged by NCHA certified judge s who rate the horse s performance by using a point scale A score starts at 70 and then moves up or down from there based on credits and penalties for events that happen during the run The judge is the one who determines and applies those factors Judges use the
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Fillable Online Western Riding Score Sheet Pattern 2 AQHA Fax Email…
HORSE SCORE PENALTIES Above Average RUN CONTENT Average Below Average 1 PT Time 3 PTS Forced off Horse quitting a cow 14 a Miss Loss of working advantage 11 B Losing a cow 9 B Reining or visibly cueing 8 C Changing cattle after a specific C Noise directed toward cattle 5a commitment 10 D Toe foot or stirrup on
Each judge s sheet is based on his or her educated opinion of how well or how poorly the run was performed Click here for official NCHA Judges Card Download a full copy of this article on CHTO by clicking here The score is tallied based on overall marks and

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Cutting Horse Score Sheet - Automatic disqualifiation 0 score If horse turns tail horse falls to ground illegal equipment leaving work area before time expires cut more than 1 finger between the reins