Das 2 Score Sheet Front Page Statistical Significance Critical Values at the 05 level Base Rates are not reported when the achievement score equals or exceeds the ability score Visit DAS II for more product information or call 800 211 8378 The Power to Understand Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education Inc or its affiliate s All rights reserved
Mean Core T Score 55 Scatter 27 Base Rate 10 15 Note Vertical bars represent the Confidence Intervals Base rate reference group is overall sample Entering DAS II Scores The DAS II is an individually administered battery of cognitive subtests for children and adolescents ages 2 years 6 months through 17 years 11 months 2 6 17 11 There are two DAS II batteries EY battery ages 2 6 8 11 NU SA battery ages 5 0 17 11
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2 3 Almost always Often Occasionally Hardly Ever 3 2 1 0 Scoring Sheet Executive Subscale Item Score 1 6 10 11 17 19 21 23 Total Emotional Subscale Item Score 3 5 7 9 12 15 20 24 Total Behaviour Cognitive Initiation Subscale Item Score 2 4 8 13 14 16 18 22 Differential Ability Scales DAS II The Differential Ability Scales DAS II were developed as an evaluation tool for the cognitive ability and achievement of children Psychologists depend on the DAS II to provide insight into the manner in which a child processes information giving solutions to fix learning problems
The DAS II GCA score is unbiased in predicting achievement scores of African American and Hispanic children and in some instances over predicts their achievement scores DAS II as Part of a Neuropsychological Evaluation The Differential Ability Scales DAS is a nationally normed in the US and individually administered battery of cognitive and achievement tests Into its second edition DAS II the test can be administered to children ages 2 years 6 months to 17 years 11 months across a range of developmental levels
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The Differential Ability Scales II cognitive assessment provides in depth analysis of learning abilities Use DAS II test now for effective interventions Three cluster scores of the DAS II measure more specific learning processes verbal nonverbal reasoning and spatial abilities There is also a Special Nonverbal Composite that can be derived for an individual of any age where the verbal demands are
The DAS II yields a General Conceptual Ability GCA score diagnostic subtests and a Special Nonverbal Composite SNC score Core subtests provide a child s GCA score which is derived from verbal nonverbal reasoning and spatial cluster scores The Differential Ability Scales II DAS II Elliott 2007 is an individually administered comprehensive cognitive ability battery It consists of 20 subtests for children and adolescents aged 2 years 6 months to 17 years 11 months Results of the DAS II yield a General Conceptual Ability GCA score consisting of Verbal Comprehension
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Statistical Significance Critical Values at the 05 level Base Rates are not reported when the achievement score equals or exceeds the ability score Visit DAS II for more product information or call 800 211 8378 The Power to Understand Copyright 2008 by Pearson Education Inc or its affiliate s All rights reserved
Mean Core T Score 55 Scatter 27 Base Rate 10 15 Note Vertical bars represent the Confidence Intervals Base rate reference group is overall sample
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Das 2 Score Sheet Front Page - Differential Ability Scales DAS II The Differential Ability Scales DAS II were developed as an evaluation tool for the cognitive ability and achievement of children Psychologists depend on the DAS II to provide insight into the manner in which a child processes information giving solutions to fix learning problems