Earth Sience Regents Score Sheet

Earth Sience Regents Score Sheet Regents Examination in Physical Setting Earth Science January 2020 Chart for Converting Total Test Raw Scores to Final Examination Scores Scale Scores Not to be used for the Braille Edition

To determine the student s final examination score find the student s total test raw score in the column labeled Raw Score and then locate the scale score that corresponds to that raw score For the Regents Examinations in the sciences the answer sheets provide spaces for recording the scores for each part of the written test the total raw score and the final scale score The answer sheet for the Regents Examination in Physical Setting Earth Science also includes an area for recording the performance test score

Earth Sience Regents Score Sheet


Earth Sience Regents Score Sheet


Regents Earth Science Global Warming Worksheet Answer Key Printable


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Examination score for each of the Regents Examinations in the sciences When the teacher scoring committee completes the scoring process test scores must be considered final and must be entered onto students permanent records To determine the student s final score locate the student s Total Performance Test Score across the top of the chart and the Total Written Test Score down the side of the chart The point where the two scores intersect is the student s final examination score

This edition of the Earth Science Reference Tables should be used in the classroom beginning in the 2011 12 school year The first examination for which these tables will be used is the January 2012 Regents Examination in Physical Setting Earth Science Use your knowledge of Earth science to answer all questions in this examination Before you begin this examination you must be provided with the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting Earth Science

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Examination score for each of the Regents Examinations in the sciences When the teacher scoring committee completes the scoring process test scores must be considered final and must be entered onto students permanent records Click here for new NGSS Earth Space Science aligned review materials Below are listings of several regents earth science review sheets These sheets provide a condensed version of some of the most important topics associated with earth science

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Regents Examination in Physical Setting Earth Science January 2020 Chart for Converting Total Test Raw Scores to Final Examination Scores Scale Scores Not to be used for the Braille Edition

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To determine the student s final examination score find the student s total test raw score in the column labeled Raw Score and then locate the scale score that corresponds to that raw score


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Earth Sience Regents Score Sheet - Use your knowledge of Earth science to answer all questions in this examination Before you begin this examination you must be provided with the 2011 Edition Reference Tables for Physical Setting Earth Science