Elementary Science Fair Score Sheet Displayed creativity in the question approach or technique This scorecard makes few assumptions about student knowledge They should be able to follow the basic steps of an experiment and make observations to answer a question Advanced students will be able to make measurements
Clear and comprehensive question 2 Relevant hypothesis 3 Logical independent and dependent variables 4 Clear procedures 5 Appropriate data analysis 6 Reasonable conclusion 7 Accessed reliable sources for information 8 Clearly identified and explained key scientific concepts relating to experiment 9 Clearly identified and explained key scientific concepts relating to the experiment
Elementary Science Fair Score Sheet
Elementary Science Fair Score Sheet
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You can make assessing student projects easy by providing judges with a Judging Sheet Having this assessment sheet will also assist you in acquiring volunteer judges As to judges they do not all have to be knowledgeable in science SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT METHOD Rubric 30 pts Purpose Problem is clearly addressing a valid scientific or mathematical concept It is obvious that the idea is the student s own Hypothesis is complete testable and uses precise wording It is directly addressing the stated problem and reflects prior knowledge
All 2024 Rubrics are current for 2025 with the exception of the updated Research Literature Review Division For more than 70 years The Academy of Science St Louis regional K 12 Science Fair has been an amazing science catalyst for students in Presented a question that could be answered through experimentation 2 Accessed a minimum of three age appropriate sources for background research addressing all key scientific concepts of the project 3 Developed a hypothesis based on the background reading and identified independent and dependent variables 4
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The primary purpose of a science fair project is to encourage students to think critically and the investigate Through following the scientific method or engineering design process students learn how to learn The scientific method is a pattern of inquiry that forms a structure for advancing scientific understanding It involves identifying a A simple rating scale type assessment to use when judging projects at your school s science fair
ELEMENTARY SCIENCE FAIR Rubric RUBRIC COMPONENTS POINT SCALE 1 Disagree 2 Somewhat disagree 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree BOOTH DESIGN AND ENHANCEMENT I can make my display visually pleasing to the audience COMMUNICATION I can write my information on my board so anyone can understand it I can explain my project and results clearly This page provides information to create scoring guides for science fairs projects and information to prepare for judging science projects and fairs Information is organized into possible categories that can be used in a rubric or scoring guide
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Displayed creativity in the question approach or technique This scorecard makes few assumptions about student knowledge They should be able to follow the basic steps of an experiment and make observations to answer a question Advanced students will be able to make measurements

Clear and comprehensive question 2 Relevant hypothesis 3 Logical independent and dependent variables 4 Clear procedures 5 Appropriate data analysis 6 Reasonable conclusion 7 Accessed reliable sources for information 8 Clearly identified and explained key scientific concepts relating to experiment 9

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Elementary Science Fair Score Sheet - SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT METHOD Rubric 30 pts Purpose Problem is clearly addressing a valid scientific or mathematical concept It is obvious that the idea is the student s own Hypothesis is complete testable and uses precise wording It is directly addressing the stated problem and reflects prior knowledge