Felony Score Sheet Washington State Justice Statistics JS to review Washington State s offender score and other situational calculations associated to the offender score on rates of recidivism rates Background
Washington State Senator Director Office of Financial Management Sen Derek Stanford Chair David Schumacher Vice Chair Senior Caseload Forecaster Webb Sprague PhD Senior Caseload Forecaster Alex Ge PhD Research Analyst Rep Steve Bergquist Washington State Representative Jilma Meneses Secretary Department of Social and Health Services Sen The Criminal Justice Information Act Chapter 10 98 RCW established the Washington State Patrol Identification and Criminal History Section the Section as the primary source of information on state felony conviction histories
Felony Score Sheet Washington State
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The SGC Web site maintains sentencing manuals calculation sheets instructions and much more including links to Adult Sentencing Manual Juvenile Disposition Manual Offender Score Calculation Sheets Sentencing Manual On Line version Online Searchable Database Publications and reports RN id 1627 State of Washington Caseload Forecast Council Derek Stanford Chair Washington State Representative Bruce Chandler Washington State Representative Andy Hill Washington State Senator David Schumacher Vice Chair Director Office of Financial Management Jeannie Darneille Washington State Senator Patricia Lashway Acting Secretary
Washington State Senator Director Office of Financial Management Derek Stanford Chair David Schumacher Vice Chair Washington State Senator John Braun Senior Research Analyst Jennifer Jones Research Analyst Confidential Secretary Senior Caseload Forecaster Washington State Representative Cheryl Strange Senior Caseload Forecaster Shidong Zhang Senior Criminal Offender Score Scoring an offender s criminal history is the most complex element in determining the appropriate sentence to impose The horizontal axis of the felony sentencing grid displays the number of points to be assigned in a particular case depending on the offender s previous criminal record
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If there is no clearly comparable offense under Washington law or the offense is one that is usually considered subject to exclusive federal jurisdiction the offense shall be scored as a class C felony equivalent if it was a felony under the relevant federal statute Washington State Sentencing Guidelines Calculator is created by Martonick Law Pullman Washington and is based on the 2012 2013 Washington State Adult Sentencing Guidelines Manual All original material and applications are the copywrighted property of
RCW 9 94A 525 Offender score Effective until January 1 2026 The offender score is measured on the horizontal axis of the sentencing grid The offender score rules are as follows The offender score is the sum of points accrued under this section rounded down to the nearest whole number Xiv 2022 Washington State Adult Sentencing Guidelines Manual ver 20221230 Dealing in Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct First Degree 304 Dealing in Depictions of a Minor Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct Second Degree
Gwenn Vidal

Justice Statistics JS to review Washington State s offender score and other situational calculations associated to the offender score on rates of recidivism rates Background

Washington State Senator Director Office of Financial Management Sen Derek Stanford Chair David Schumacher Vice Chair Senior Caseload Forecaster Webb Sprague PhD Senior Caseload Forecaster Alex Ge PhD Research Analyst Rep Steve Bergquist Washington State Representative Jilma Meneses Secretary Department of Social and Health Services Sen

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Felony Score Sheet Washington State - Washington State Senator Director Office of Financial Management Derek Stanford Chair David Schumacher Vice Chair Washington State Senator John Braun Senior Research Analyst Jennifer Jones Research Analyst Confidential Secretary Senior Caseload Forecaster Washington State Representative Cheryl Strange Senior Caseload Forecaster Shidong Zhang Senior Criminal