Fim Fam Score Sheet To calculate total FAM score use lowest score for items 8 and 9 and preferred mode of locomotion in item 14
The current version of the UK FIM FAM is 2 2 and is available for free download here UK FIM FAM score sheet UK FIM FAM manual For the UK ROC software user guide please contact LNWH tr ukroc nhs Scoring Sheet UK FIM FAM Score Sheet pdf Training Slides Part 1 FIM FAM training general pdf Part 2 FIM FAM training motor items pdf Part 3 FIM FAM training cognitive items pdf Part 4 FIM FAM training EADL pdf Page updated Google Sites Report abuse
Fim Fam Score Sheet
Fim Fam Score Sheet
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Functional Independence Measure FIM Example Free PDF Download Shot 2023-03-31 at 4.11.03 pm.png
Each item is scored on 7 ordinal levels The FIM can be used for measuring disability in a wide range of conditions FAM items are rated on the same 7 level scale as the FIM items although the scaling structure of the FIM does not always lend itself to Printable scoring sheets manuals and training slides are available to download for the following tools We are aware that some organisations block access to the google drive website where these files are currently hosted
Each item on the FIM is scored on a 7 point Likert scale and the score indicates the amount of assistance required to perform each item 1 total assistance in all areas 7 total independence in all areas The Functional Independence Measure FIM is an 18 item global measure of disability Each item is scored on 7 ordinal levels The FIM can be used for measuring disability in a wide range of conditions
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This document contains a score sheet for assessing patients using the FIM FAM assessment tool and the Neurological Impairment Set The score sheet collects information on a patient s name identifying details admission discharge dates and scores on 38 functional independence items and 50 neurological impairment items Scores are recorded for FIM FAM functional assessment manual v2 2 Oct 2010 Management of patients after prolonged ICU admission Post ICU systematic review CCM 2014 Rehabilitation after critical illness in adults NICE clinical guideline CG 83 Rehab measures database Short Form Survey SF 36 Short Form Survey Instrument SF 36 Wake up breath and move in ICU CCM 2014 2 year follow
FAM items Admt Date D C Date Admt Date D C Date RN ST PT PSY OT REC Title FIM FAM Rating Form Author SCVMC Subject FAM Keywords COMBI FAM Created Date 6 29 2017 9 47 55 AM As part of a registration for a FIM or WeeFIM Open workshop clinicians are provided with a lanyard card They are a reference card that can be used quickly by clinicians to prompt them in scoring FIM or WeeFIM These can also be purchased in packs of 10 for use at your facility
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To calculate total FAM score use lowest score for items 8 and 9 and preferred mode of locomotion in item 14…
The current version of the UK FIM FAM is 2 2 and is available for free download here UK FIM FAM score sheet UK FIM FAM manual For the UK ROC software user guide please contact LNWH tr ukroc nhs

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Fim Fam Score Sheet - Each item is scored on 7 ordinal levels The FIM can be used for measuring disability in a wide range of conditions FAM items are rated on the same 7 level scale as the FIM items although the scaling structure of the FIM does not always lend itself to