Firearms Qualification Score Sheet Michigan

Firearms Qualification Score Sheet Michigan Evaluation of firearms training and proficiency is an ongoing process A running evaluation log may be utilized for evaluation purposes with one required final assessment form for each individual recruit Instructor Note Score Sheets are found on the TD website

At the 10 yard line the shooter shall stand and all rounds must be in the marksmanship scoring area center mass ring At the 15yard At the 15yard line the shooter chooses position standing kneeling or prone and all rounds must be in the combat scoring area bottle This is a compilation of police military firearms qualification courses compiled by Brian Garrett This began as an exercise to see if he was good enough to pass the tests but it quickly

Firearms Qualification Score Sheet Michigan


Firearms Qualification Score Sheet Michigan


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Sensible Self Defense January 2018

W w w m l c h l g a n g o v m s p 517 24 1 1 9 3 4 M ICHIGAN S T ATE P OU C EH DQ U RT S 3 S O UT H G R A ND V E P O B O X 30 6 4 L A NS I G M I C H I G A N 4 8 90 M ic h ig a n S ta te P o lic e A s s is ta n t F O IA C o o rd in a to r be lo w aa n d e n c l o s e c o p y o f t his c o rre s p o n d en c If yo u h a v e q u e s t io n s c o n c e r n i n g t h is m a tte r Qualification certificate is issued pursuant to the Federal Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act LEOSA 18USC926C and RCW 36 28A 090 as amended by Chapter 264 Laws of 2010 THIS CERTIFICATE NOT VALID WITHOUT LAW ENFORCEMENT IDENTIFICATION

Score MPTC Firearms Qualification Score Sheet HANDGUN STAGE RIFLE REMEDIAL Author T A Bailey Created Date 4 9 2012 5 10 55 PM Shooters can score a maximum of 25 points 100 on this course of fire Shooters must have no less than 20 points 80 to pass the course of fire A shooter can lose points for

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Score Range Location Weather Instructions This form is for documenting veteran officer qualifications at your agency Enter the of hits in the appropriate stage column Total score is the number of hits for all five stages x 2 Minimum passing score is 80 with 100 round accountability See MPTC Scoring Standard MPTC Firearms Qualification Intent of the RPTE firearms assessment is to determine the candidate s firearms skills to waive the full basic training requirement If a candidate fails both assessments the y will be required to attend a remedial firearms tra ining at their own expense prior to

Soldiers who provide their SSNs can receive scores or qualify on weapons or equipment To evaluate individual proficiency SSN is used for positive identification purposes only Qualification Hits CBRN Night Expert Sharpshooter Marksman Unqualified 26 to 30 21 to 25 16 to 20 0 to 15 GO GO GO GO GO GO CBRN Fire Table VI GO 3 Hits NO GO Night Fire Table VII GO 2 Hits NO GO Note Firers receive the number of rounds required to fire a specific table The officer in charge of firing sets procedures for loading and


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Evaluation of firearms training and proficiency is an ongoing process A running evaluation log may be utilized for evaluation purposes with one required final assessment form for each individual recruit Instructor Note Score Sheets are found on the TD website

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At the 10 yard line the shooter shall stand and all rounds must be in the marksmanship scoring area center mass ring At the 15yard At the 15yard line the shooter chooses position standing kneeling or prone and all rounds must be in the combat scoring area bottle


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Firearms Qualification Score Sheet Michigan - In all cases scores fired for qualification must be applied to the rating the shooter is currently working on Scores may not be held and used for higher ratings The required number of times a score must be obtained do not have to be fired consecutively or in the same session