Fitnessgram Class Score Sheet

Fitnessgram Class Score Sheet For each test area the FITNESSGRAM uses the Healthy Fitness Zone HFZ to FEMALES evaluate fitness performance The performance goal for all test areas is the HFZ

FITNESSGRAM SCORE SHEET Title FITNESSGRAM SCORE SHEET Author Lugo Shannon Created Date 8 16 2017 2 00 14 PM The FitnessGram Class Score PYFA Report provide Teachers and Admins with a summary of student scores and Healthy Fitness Zone achievement for the Presidential Youth Fitness Awards PYFA program FitnessGram Class Score PYFA Report Types HFZ Achievement Report View individual students fitness zone achievement only

Fitnessgram Class Score Sheet


Fitnessgram Class Score Sheet


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The Fitnessgram uses criterion referenced standards to evaluate fitness performance These standards were established by the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research to represent a level of fitness that offers some degree of protection against diseases that result from sedentary living 2 7 20 8 20 5 15 6 17 7 20 FITNESSGRAM Class Record School Grade Teacher ID Name PACER Push Up Curl Up Trunk Lift inches Sit Reach Left Right

This document contains a student s FITNESSGRAM record sheet for tracking personal fitness test results over time The record sheet includes spaces to log scores on tests of aerobic capacity body composition flexibility and muscular strength and endurance Fitnessgram Score Sheets These score sheets can be used by teachers and or students to aid in the administration of the fitness tests Modify the template according to the tests your school administers and include the Healthy Fitness Zones for your students Click Here to Download Fitnessgram Score Sheets Click on the Picture to Enlarge

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There are four components that will be tested on the third fourth and fifth grade students at all elementary schools in South Brunswick Third graders will complete the tests as a practice year and their scores will be recorded but published FITNESSGRAM The PACER Individual Score Sheet Teacher Class Period Date Laps 20 meter lengths

Figure 1 Tips for Individual FITNESSGRAM Test Items Tips Clearly mark lanes Have students assist in the evaluation by using score sheets provided in the FITNESSGRAM Test Administration Manual Laminate the score sheets and FITNESSGRAM is designed to assess the three main categories of fitness 1 aerobic capacity 2 muscular skeletal fitness and 3 body composition It is composed of the following six key


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Printable Fitnessgram Score Sheet
FITNESSRAM Healthy Fitness Zone Performance Standards PFT
For each test area the FITNESSGRAM uses the Healthy Fitness Zone HFZ to FEMALES evaluate fitness performance The performance goal for all test areas is the HFZ

Printable Fitnessgram Score Sheet
FITNESSGRAM SCORE SHEET John A Ferguson Senior High…
FITNESSGRAM SCORE SHEET Title FITNESSGRAM SCORE SHEET Author Lugo Shannon Created Date 8 16 2017 2 00 14 PM


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Fitnessgram Class Score Sheet - The FITNESSGRAM PACER Individual Score Sheet is designed to help teachers track students progress in the PACER test This score sheet allows for recording individual laps completed by each student It is a useful tool for physical education classes