Georgia Social Studies Fair Judges Score Sheet Georgia Council for the Social Studies Virtual Social Studies Fair Score Sheet Judges score each section and circle details needing improvement star superlative characteristics
Q 4 How will the Social Studies project be judged Judges use the FCS Social Studies Virtual Fair Score Sheet located in Quick Links section This sheet has been modified for use in the FCS Social Studies Virtual Fair to score student s projects on research paper PowerPoint presentation and oral introduction Each component of the The Georgia Social Studies Fairs lead students through competition to learn practice and perfect research processes that can and should be used now and in the future to make informed decisions that impact both today and posterity
Georgia Social Studies Fair Judges Score Sheet
Georgia Social Studies Fair Judges Score Sheet
Judges Scoring Sheet
121 Social Studies Fair Project Ideas For School Students
Social studies concepts and research methodology The fair will improve students skills in social studies through o evaluation of student work according to established criteria and o communication with judges fair officials and their teachers The fair will create public awareness of social studies through o publicity All projects entered in the regional fair by the school system or other approved educational entity are judged using the official GCSS Judges Scoring Sheet and the 16 Best in Region projects are entered in the state contest by the regional director
Social Studies Fair Score Sheet Judges score each section and circle details needing improvement star superlative characteristics I Oral Interview maximum 10 points 10 Project components should meet all criteria shown on the Judges 2024 Social Studies Fair Score Sheet on page 9 and posted on the GCSS website https www gcss site page view georgia social studies fair
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The fairs are largely volunteer efforts of adults who value these processes and want the best for the children of Georgia Here in Muscogee County we hold our District Level Fair in January Schools submit up to eight projects from their school level competitions to be judged at district Social Studies Fair Score Sheet Judges score each section and circle details needing improvement star superlative characteristics I Oral Interview maximum 10 points 10 inclusion of abstract on index card with concisely stated research question problem methodology and conclusion
Georgia Council for the Social StudiesSocial Studies Fair Scoresheet Judges score each section and circle details needing improvement star superlative characteristics I Oral Interview maximum Students were judged according to a rubric in the following categories oral presentation visual display research paper and interview Students were awarded first second and third place as well as West Regional Social Studies Fair participant status
Fillable Online Virtual Social Studies Fair Score Sheet Georgia
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Georgia Council for the Social Studies Virtual Social Studies Fair Score Sheet Judges score each section and circle details needing improvement star superlative characteristics…
Q 4 How will the Social Studies project be judged Judges use the FCS Social Studies Virtual Fair Score Sheet located in Quick Links section This sheet has been modified for use in the FCS Social Studies Virtual Fair to score student s projects on research paper PowerPoint presentation and oral introduction Each component of the

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Georgia Social Studies Fair Judges Score Sheet - Social studies concepts and research methodology The fair will improve students skills in social studies through o evaluation of student work according to established criteria and o communication with judges fair officials and their teachers The fair will create public awareness of social studies through o publicity