Hunt Seat Equitation Score Sheet Score Sheet for Hunt Seat Equitation Class Name Judge 3 pts break of gait at walk trot up to 2 strides over under turn 1 8 to 1 4 tick or hit missing diagonal of to two strides in pattern rail looking down to check leads diagonals 5 pts break of gait missed lead o out of lead not stopping or gait within 10 ft of spot loss of iron loss of contact w mouth head too low or
HUNT SEAT EQUITATION OVER FENCES SCORE SHEET SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 10 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 Excellent Equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and at proper distance Uses all options to their advantage Includes seat posture head hands arms legs posture aids use of aids in execution balance distribution of weight
Hunt Seat Equitation Score Sheet
Hunt Seat Equitation Score Sheet
English Hunt Seat Horses Hunt Seat Horses Hunt Seat Equitation
Equitation Pattern Equitation Horse Pattern Pattern
HUNT SEAT EQUITATION SCORE SHEET CLASS APHA Novice AM Hunt Seat Equitation SHOW May Mane Event JUDGE Kathryn Kope DATE May 13 2022 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very Good 3 Excellent W O HUNT SEAT EQUITATION SCORECARD 1 Suitability Compatibility of horse and rider Unsoundness shall not penalize a rider unless it impairs the required performance 2 Appointments of Horse and Rider Horse rider s clothes and all equipment should be clean serviceable and safe Horse should be properly trimmed 3 Seat
Equitation is judged on the rider and her his effect on the horse wile executing a pattern The class is judged 75 on pattern work and 25 on rail work usually following the pattern work While judged on the flat the class provides a base for natural progression to over fence class Score Title C Hunt Seat Sample Pages rev 6 16 21 KQ Created Date 10 25 2022 6 58 19 PM
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HUNT SEAT EQUITATION CONTESTANT NUMBER NO MAX POINTS POINTS REMARKS 1 5 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 15 6 15 7 5 TOTAL Title Microsoft Word Advanced English Equitation Score sheet doc Author tbehl1 Created Date 7 10 2008 9 47 17 AM HUNT SEAT EQUITATION OVER FENCES SCORE SHEET SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 0 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 Excellent Equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and with proper striding 80 89 Minor equitation faults minor stride problems causing uneven arc over fences one
Dispel your nerves and prepare to ace patterns including showmanship horsemanship and hunt seat equitation with these tips HUNT SEAT EQUITATION SCORE SHEET CLASS APHA Novice AM Hunt Seat Equitation SHOW May Mane Event JUDGE Terri Wirthlin DATE May 13 2022 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very Good 3 Excellent W
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Ride The Pattern 2021 Hunt Seat Equitation YouTube…
Score Sheet for Hunt Seat Equitation Class Name Judge 3 pts break of gait at walk trot up to 2 strides over under turn 1 8 to 1 4 tick or hit missing diagonal of to two strides in pattern rail looking down to check leads diagonals 5 pts break of gait missed lead o out of lead not stopping or gait within 10 ft of spot loss of iron loss of contact w mouth head too low or…
HUNT SEAT EQUITATION OVER FENCES SCORE SHEET SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 10 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 Excellent Equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and at proper distance Uses all options to their advantage


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Hunt Seat Equitation Score Sheet - HUNT SEAT EQUITATION SCORE SHEET CLASS APHA Novice AM Hunt Seat Equitation SHOW May Mane Event JUDGE Kathryn Kope DATE May 13 2022 SIGNATURE Each rider is scored between 0 Infinity points and automatically begins the run with a score of 70 points 3 Extremely Poor 2 Very Poor 1 Poor 0 Correct 1 Good 2 Very Good 3 Excellent W O