Hunter Jumper Score Sheet NSBA National Snaffle Bit Association purpose is to promote and improve Western Pleasure horses and Hunter Under Saddle horses Membership in horse show rules Pleasure horse stallions pleasure horses for sale and pleasure horse trainers and breeders
WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Ju Date An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults HUNTER JUMPER AND EQUITATION JUDGES SCORE CARD Class Name SHOW Class Judge ENTRY HUNTER JUMPER AND Class Name EQUITATION JUDGES SCORE CARD SCORES 80 tot Date Std FENCES Comments 10 Title Hunter Score Card Created Date 4 18 2023 4 20 18 PM
Hunter Jumper Score Sheet
Hunter Jumper Score Sheet
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Hunter jumper
Scoring 90 100 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults Working Hunter Score Sheet Score 90 100 An excellent perfonner and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one
Below find valuable information and documents for Judges and Stewards alike Looking for forms charts Notebook chapters or Steward information All the resources you might need can be found here in the Resource section Judges Show Managers Please use An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults
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NSBA National Snaffle Bit Association purpose is to promote and improve Western Pleasure horses and Hunter Under Saddle horses Membership in horse show rules Pleasure horse stallions pleasure horses for sale and pleasure horse trainers and breeders…
WORKING HUNTER SCORE SHEET Ju Date An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults

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Hunter Jumper Score Sheet - An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults