Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet

Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 0 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 Excellent Equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and with proper striding

Style over fences Even Hunting Pace Way of going Flat Work Manners Jumps Scoring 0 70 60 70 an excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 50 59 a good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 10 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style

Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet


Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet


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Hunter Over Fences Rossland Stables

Working Hunter Score Sheet Score Fence Quality 2 Excellent 1 Very Good 1 Good 1 2 Above Average 0 Average 1 2 Below Average 1 Poor 1 Very Poor 2 Extremely Poor Penalty 0 5 Play Penalty Tick or light touch of rail out of lead within line per stride in line Penalty 1 Drift along fence early unfold of knees rap of rail Penalty 2 Uneven knees Style over fences even hunting pace way of going flat work manners penalties same as working hunter jump heights 2 feet 3 inches to 3 feet faults being on wrong lead or wrong diagonal at the trot excessive speed escessive slowness breaking gait failure to take gait when called for head carried too high or too low nosing out or flexing behind the vertical opening mouth excessively

Includes seat posture head hands arms legs posture aids use of aids in execution balance distribution of weight An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults

More picture related to Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet


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Senior Youth Youth L1 Youth 13 Amateur Amateur L1 Working Hunter Judge Junior Progressive Select Amateur Equitation Over Fences Signature 123456789 59 60 s 70 s 80 s 90 s OVER FENCE SCORE SHEET Circle Division Youth 14 18 W O Entry COMMENTS FENCES SCORES For more information on how exhibitors are scored visit SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 10 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 80 89 A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well and commits one or two minor faults

Scoring 60 70 an excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 50 59 a good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults 40 49 the average fair mover that makes no serious faults Excellent equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and at proper distance Uses all options to their advantage Minor equitation faults i e long weak distance deep distance one step landing at counter canter Exhibitor still maintains a quality ride


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50 Hunter Over Fences
SCORING Scoring shall be on the basis of 0 to 100 with an approximate breakdown as follows 90 100 Excellent Equitation position and presentation meets all fences squarely and with proper striding

Yahtzee Score Sheets Download Free Documents For PDF Word And Excel
Over Fence Score Sheet Storage googleapis…
Style over fences Even Hunting Pace Way of going Flat Work Manners Jumps Scoring 0 70 60 70 an excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style 50 59 a good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults


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Hunter Over Fences 5 By Gray tabbs On DeviantArt


Hunter Over Fences 7 By Gray tabbs On DeviantArt


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Hunter Over Fences Score Sheet - An excellent performer and good mover that jumps the entire course with cadence balance and style A good performer that jumps all fences reasonably well an excellent performer that commits one or two minor faults