Ishihara 14 Plate Test Score Sheet

Ishihara 14 Plate Test Score Sheet Ishihara Color Test Instructions Plates 1 17 each contain a number plates 18 24 contain one or two wiggly lines To pass each test you must identify the correct number or correctly trace the wiggly lines Sit approximately 75cm from your monitor with each circle set at eye level

TOKYO JAPAN Introduction This series of plates is designed to provide a test which gives a quick and accurate assessment of color vision deficiency of congenital origin This is the commonest form of color vision disturbances 1 ISHIHARA COLOUR PLATES 38 SET Plate 1 Everyone should see number 12 Plate 2 Normal view 8 Red green deficiency 3 Plate 3 Normal view 6

Ishihara 14 Plate Test Score Sheet


Ishihara 14 Plate Test Score Sheet


PME Artisans Et Agriculteurs Ishihara Color Vision Test Livre 24


Color Vision Test Chart

The current passing score is 12 correct of 14 red green test plates not including the demonstration plate Research has shown that scores below twelve indicate color vision deficiency and twelve or more correct indicate normal color vision with 97 sensitivity and 100 specificity The sensitivity of the Ishihara test varies by the number This series of plates is designed to provide a test which gives a quick and accurate assessment of color vision deficiency of congenital origin This is the commonest form of color vision disturbances

Plates 2 to 21 are made from a selection of only 9 inks whilst plates 22 to 25 are made from just 6 inks It should be noted that the colorimetric task is slightly different in plates 14 to 17 where the foreground green inks are less blue than in the earlier plates while the background has a lot more orange and yellow than in the earlier The current passing score is 12 correct of 14 red green test plates not including the demonstration plate Research has shown that scores below twelve indicate color vision deficiency and twelve or more correct indicate normal color vision with 97 sensitivity and 100 specificity The sensitivity of the Ishihara test varies by the number

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Ishihara Test Score Sheet


Ishihara Test Score Sheet


Ishihara 14 Plate

Assess for red green color blindness Ensure proper room lighting and phone brightness Wear any glasses necessary for near vision Hold screen at a comfortable reading distance 30 This document appears to be a scoring grid for results from an Ishihara color blindness test containing 14 plates with numbers that a normal person would see for each plate The grid includes empty fields to record the responses or actions of

The document provides instructions for using a series of color plates designed to test for color deficiencies It describes the plates and how they appear differently to those with normal color vision compared to various types of red green color deficiencies Purchase the Ishihara Color Testing Book 14 plate The Ishihara test is a simple proven method for detecting congenital color vision deficiency Color plates are encased in specially designed album type books for ease of handling


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Ishihara Color Test Color Blindness…
Ishihara Color Test Instructions Plates 1 17 each contain a number plates 18 24 contain one or two wiggly lines To pass each test you must identify the correct number or correctly trace the wiggly lines Sit approximately 75cm from your monitor with each circle set at eye level

PME Artisans Et Agriculteurs Ishihara Color Vision Test Livre 24
Ishihara 14 Plate Instructions Pdf DocsLib
TOKYO JAPAN Introduction This series of plates is designed to provide a test which gives a quick and accurate assessment of color vision deficiency of congenital origin This is the commonest form of color vision disturbances


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Ishihara 14 Plate Test Score Sheet - The current passing score is 12 correct of 14 red green test plates not including the demonstration plate Research has shown that scores below twelve indicate color vision deficiency and twelve or more correct indicate normal color vision with 97 sensitivity and 100 specificity The sensitivity of the Ishihara test varies by the number