Karate Judging Kata Score Sheet KATA SCORE SHEET Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Result Author Anton Created Date 7 30 2016 5 40 04 PM
In assessing the performance of a contestant or team the Judges will evaluate the performance based on equal weight to both of the major criteria technical performance and athletic performance in the beginning of the kata and ends when the In order to save the final scores click on Save result update If the Show Match window is open all scores the total score and rank are shown on the screen Show Ranking show the Top 4 ranked during the competition You should show the ranking after each athlete in order to allow the Audience to follow the competition
Karate Judging Kata Score Sheet
Karate Judging Kata Score Sheet
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Notes for Judges Please fill in form prior to event starting ensure your name is printed clearly Please indicate your evalutions with a single pen stroke in the appropriate boxes above Do not write comments At the end of the Kata At the end of the Kata do not consult other judges before handing your sheet in If you have a query or have observed a forgotten technique then raise your hand at the end of the Kata and bring it to the attention of the head Judge OVERALL TOTAL out of 180 Fluidity Course Rhythm Score range 5 10 If Big mistake max 5 If Forgotten Tech 0
Kata Sheet Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Total H Total H L 1St Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Author Andy Franz Created Date 11 8 2018 1 12 14 PM Updated Rule book and Kata score sheet Updated Rule book and Kata score sheet 2017 6 27 Last updated 2022 4 12 koshiki1118 WKKF Rule Book WKKF Kata contest Score sheet Up loaded to Webpage of WKKF Rules Previous article 2017 SUPER KARATEDO World Koshiki Karatedo Championship Canada updated 2017 6 6 Next article SUPER
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3 3 2 The electronic Kata judging system should randomly determine the order of performance within the group after the initial round up to but excluding the medal bouts 3 4 Reporting of kata to be performed The highest point score achievable for a performance is 10 0 and the lowest is 6 0 There will be 5 judges out of a total judging panel of 7 Eliminate the highest and lowest scores and total the middle 3 scores to decide the winner If the scores are tied the competitor with the highest low score wins If the low scores are also
Scores can be entered manually here Scores can be entered for both criterias for each referee in this case Technical counts 70 and Athleticism 30 If only one score per referee is entered this scores count 100 and only the highest and lowest scores will be removed Any number from 3 to 7 Referees is supported All of the three major criteria are to be given equal importance in the evaluation of the performance Bunkai are to be given equal importance as the kata itself 1 Conformance to the form itself and the standards of the applicable style ryu ha 1 Conformance to kata using the actual movements as performed in the kata 2
Karate Scoreboard For Kumite YouTube
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KATA SCORE SHEET Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Result Author Anton Created Date 7 30 2016 5 40 04 PM

In assessing the performance of a contestant or team the Judges will evaluate the performance based on equal weight to both of the major criteria technical performance and athletic performance in the beginning of the kata and ends when the

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Karate Judging Kata Score Sheet - Kata Judging Grading USA USA Standard US grading scale judo knowledge IJF Kodokan Kata Handbooks IJF Evaluation Criteria judo knowledge IJF Evaluation Criteria Includes both technical and process mistakes Provides judges a written common basis to score or a range of scores mistakes 10 18 2015 5