Karate Score Sheet Pdf KATA SCORE SHEET Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Result Author Anton Created Date 7 30 2016 5 40 04 PM
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Karate Score Sheet Pdf
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These are the most commonly required documents in Wado UK Please fill in form prior to event starting ensure your name is printed clearly Please indicate your evalutions with a single pen stroke in the appropriate boxes above Do not write comments At the end of the Kata do not consult other judges before handing your sheet in
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Karate was not part of the original bu jitsu practiced but readily fitted the concept of bu do allowing a rationale for the continued practice of the martial way Funakoshi s introduction of Karate into Japan in 1922 allowed karate to develop from a fighting method employed by a subjugated and peasant class to a respectable martial do Perform 6 kicks Mawate turn back with 6 kicks
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KATA SCORE SHEET Name Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5 Total Result Author Anton Created Date 7 30 2016 5 40 04 PM

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Karate Score Sheet Pdf - All Kata Score Sheets Free download as PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free This document appears to contain scoring sheets for several kata set forms in judo Nage no Kata Katame no Kata Kime no Kata and Ju no Kata