Letter Sound Identification Score Sheet Letter sound identification is recognizing upper and lower case letters and identifying appropriate sounds for each letter symbol Use the upper case and lower case alphabet sheets You may want to laminate the sheets Letter sheets are in the Appendix Administer the assessment to individual children
We created this Letter Identification and Sounds Assessment as a tool to assess a child s progress with letter naming and sounds throughout the school year LETTER IDENTIFICATION SCORE SHEET Name Age TEST SCORE Date Recorder TOTALS TOTAL SCORE A A Alphabet response tick check Letter sound response tick check Record the word the child gives Incorrect response Record what the child says S Word I R A F K P W Z B H O J U C Y L Q M D N S X I E G R V T a f k p w z b h o j u c y a l q m d n s
Letter Sound Identification Score Sheet
Letter Sound Identification Score Sheet
Letter Sound Identification Score Sheet Student Grade Date in N column for correct letter name response OR Record the child s incorrect letter response Check in the S column for correct letter sound response If the student says a word with or for the letter record that word in the Word column for word response
If the student tells you the letter name instead of the letter sounds say That s the letter name What is the letter sounds If the student responds with the correct answer mark a check If the student says the same answer or another error write the student s response Letter Sound Test www motif au Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders Scoring Instructions Sheet 1 Count the total number of correct items 51 and enter this score into the space at the bottom of the score sheet 2 Go to the Norms Table and find the appropriate Year Level for the child i e
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Letter Identification Score Sheet English classroom jc schools
Each student will have one minute to name as many letter sounds as they can If a student pauses on a letter give them three seconds and then provide the letter s sound and prompt them to keep going If a student misses a sound and then self corrects mark the answer as correct and write SC beside the letter to indicate that they self Increased letter sound knowledge will allow children to develop greater flexibility and automaticity in reading and writing Direct instruction is a necessary component to letter sound identification It is important to remember to connect these activities to real reading
Name sound name sound name sound name sound name sound name sound name sound Note When assessing begin with grapheme phoneme correspondence If pupil struggles then test phoneme grapheme knowledge instead Scores Letter Names 26 Sounds 42 scoil net portal for irish education Author Sharon Hogan Created Date 7 13 2017 10 37 10 PM The purpose is to assess a child s acquisition of letter names and sounds Fold the letter sheet in half so that only the upper case or lower case letters are showing at one time Can you tell me this letter s name What sound does it make Do you know a word that starts like that Write the word the child says in the word box
Letter Identification Score Sheet Free Printable Free Printable Download
Letter Sound Identification All About Literacy

Letter sound identification is recognizing upper and lower case letters and identifying appropriate sounds for each letter symbol Use the upper case and lower case alphabet sheets You may want to laminate the sheets Letter sheets are in the Appendix Administer the assessment to individual children

We created this Letter Identification and Sounds Assessment as a tool to assess a child s progress with letter naming and sounds throughout the school year

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PDF Letter Identification Score Sheet English classroom jc schools
Letter Sound Identification Score Sheet - This assessment can be used to identify whether a student is having difficulty in recognising and naming letters and identifying the sounds letters make in words The assessment includes four interrelated parts