Level Locus Score Sheet

Level Locus Score Sheet Each level of care description provides guidance for payers by establishing usual time frames for review and revision of scores and authorization The final section describes a proposed scoring methodology that facilitates the translation of

Significant current suicidal or homicidal ideation without intent or conscious plan and without past history No active suicidal homicidal ideation but extreme distress and or a history of suicidal homicidal behavior exists Please check the applicable ratings within each dimension and record the score m the lower right hand corner Total your score and determme the recommended level of care using the Declslon Tree Criteria

Level Locus Score Sheet


Level Locus Score Sheet


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Please check the applicable ratings within each dimension and record the score in the lower right hand corner Total your score and determine the recommended level of care 1 Minimal Risk of Harm 2 Low Risk of Harm 3 Moderate Risk of Harm 4 Serious Risk of Harm 5 Extreme Risk of Harm Score II Functional Status 1 Indicates that there are independent criteria requires admission to this level regardless of composite score unless meet criteria under Level IV Dimension II Indicates that there are independent criteria that requires placement at this level regardless of other factors

Once scores have been assigned in all six evaluation parameters 7 counting the subsections of Recovery Environment they should be recorded on a worksheet and added to obtain the total score Referring to the LOCUS placement grid a rough estimate of the placement recommendation can be obtained For the greatest A Level of Stress 1 Low Stress Environment a Essentially no significant or enduring difficulties in interpersonal interactions and significant life circumstances are stable b No recent transitions of consequence c No major losses of interpersonal relationships or material status have been experienced recently

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Currently the DHCFP recognizes the Level of Care Utilization System LOCUS for adults and the Child and Adolescent Screening Intensity Instrument CASII for children and adolescents LOCUS has three main objectives The first is to propose a system for assessment of service needs for adult clients based on six evaluation parameters The second is to propose a continuum of service arrays which vary according to the amount and scope of resources available at each level of care in each of four categories of service

This manual was designed to provide you with a guide to the use and understanding of the Level of Care Utilization System LOCUS instrument The first part of this manual will introduce you to LOCUS focusing on the historical context in which it was developed The second section will Be aware of the Independent Criteria when scoring and refer to the Independent Criteria Table for LOCUS What is Independent Criteria The specific score may result in specific level of care recommendations regardless of composite score total WHO CAN IMPLEMENT THE LOCUS


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Locus Scoring Sheet Printable

Each level of care description provides guidance for payers by establishing usual time frames for review and revision of scores and authorization The final section describes a proposed scoring methodology that facilitates the translation of

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LOCUS Scoring Sheet Aetna Better Health

Significant current suicidal or homicidal ideation without intent or conscious plan and without past history No active suicidal homicidal ideation but extreme distress and or a history of suicidal homicidal behavior exists


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Level Locus Score Sheet - A Level of Stress 1 Low Stress Environment a Essentially no significant or enduring difficulties in interpersonal interactions and significant life circumstances are stable b No recent transitions of consequence c No major losses of interpersonal relationships or material status have been experienced recently