Lip Sync Competition Score Sheet A Lip Sync Ability The ability to mouth the words of a song in perfect synchronization with the recording thereby creating the illusion that the person or group is actually performing the song on stage in concert
To enable screen reader support press Ctrl Alt Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts press Ctrl slash This document appears to be score sheet for a lip sync competition between 7 teams from STI College Cotabato It lists the team names and has columns to score the teams on lip sync ability stage presence and star quality with a total score A judge will use this sheet to evaluate and score the competing teams
Lip Sync Competition Score Sheet
Lip Sync Competition Score Sheet
Lip Sync Finals Score Sheet docx Google Docs
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Lip Sync Battle participants agree to allow Project 16 49 to use any likenesses videos or photographs taken during your performance for promotional use Each category is given a score of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best for a total perfect score of 50 In case of a tie the act with the highest total score prior to fundraising points will win This document outlines the scoring criteria for a lip sync battle competition with lip syncing accuracy weighted the most at 40 choreography and dance coordination at 30 costumes and props at 20 and energy and enthusiasm at 10 The document includes a scoring sheet for judges to rank contestants from various grades based on their
This document outlines the criteria and scoring process for judging a contest with multiple categories performance originality creativity theme music and audience impact Contestants are ranked in each category by 3 judges and given a total score with the highest scoring contestants listed as winners Each category is given a score of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best for a total score of 40 from each judge In case of a tie the audience will decide the winner
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A Lip Sync Ability The ability to mouth the words of a song in perfect synchronization with the recording thereby creating the illusion that the person or group is actually performing the song on stage in concert Precise synchronization between the LIP SYNC CONTEST RULES General Information 1 The first 12 acts to turn in their contest registration forms will be allowed to participate all others will be alternate teams in the order of registering 2 Each act is responsible for their props 3 All contestants must be ready on time Will forfeit performance otherwise 4 All songs and
How well do you know the lyrics Do you convince the judges you are singing the song To what degree do you incorporate facial expressions and gestures How well do you act dance play instruments or otherwise contribute to the visual presentation How much do the props set add to the entertainment value Lip Sync Battle Party Rubric Category 1 Below 2 Approaching 3 At Standard 4 Above Performance Overall feeling of the performance In line with Janet and Madonna s Super Bowl halftime shows Weird Al Yakovic esque you hate to love it
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Lip Sync Competition…
A Lip Sync Ability The ability to mouth the words of a song in perfect synchronization with the recording thereby creating the illusion that the person or group is actually performing the song on stage in concert…
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Lip Sync Competition Score Sheet - Each category is given a score of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best for a total score of 40 from each judge In case of a tie the audience will decide the winner