Middle Kingdom Royla Round Archery Score Sheets Scoring There are two standard target faces used in SCA archery The 24 inch 60 cm five color target also known as the Las Vegas style or FITA target is the required target for Royal Rounds and Inter Kingdom Archery Competition IKAC tournaments
The Royal Round is used to determine the Kingdom Ranking of an individual thrower within a specific weapon style Axes knives spears and plumbatae are used for Royal Round scores at this time Sling will be added in the future Plumbatae and sling are not currently included in the Thrown Weapons Inter Kingdom Challenge TWIC An Tir Royal Archer Score Sheets Web site Royal Archer An Tir Archos Arthur of the Green Arrow Contingency Deputy Score sheets Thrown Weapons 5 throwers Royal Round IKAC York Clout Generic Novelty Shoot AtlAtl This is the recognized web site for the Kingdom of An Tir of the Society for Creative Anachronism Inc SCA and is maintained by An Tir Webteam
Middle Kingdom Royla Round Archery Score Sheets
Middle Kingdom Royla Round Archery Score Sheets
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Used to record scores for SCA standard Royal Rounds for ranking IKAC IKCAC and TWIC score sheets hosted on an external site Equestrian New Rider Form Equestrian Marshal Training Form Equestrian Event Authorization Worksheet Royal Rounds Rules as of 1 April 2022 RR Quick Summary Sheet Royal Rounds Score Sheet Royal Rounds Rank Badges chart Royal Round Rankings list Royal Round Individual Weapon Scores
Office that oversees all target archery activities in the Middle Kingdom There is no authorization required to participate in Target Archery in the Middle Kingdom though we are required to ask you to file a Hold Harmless waiver before participating Our archers are recognized for their advancement in skill by averaging their best three current scores on a standardized shoot called the Royal Round
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This site will not only be an active database for Royal Rounds but it may also serve as a database for any other kingdom sponsored shoot such as annual challenge shoots we wish to put together If you believe your score is incorrect please search your name and check all of the scores submitted and the dates sometimes the scores you were For events and practices outside the East Kingdom only Standard TW Royal Round scores will be accepted All scores must be witnessed by a thrown weapons marshal and one other person A Royal Round consists of 10 throws using a single weapons form A thrower need not throw all 10 throws for the Royal Round to be valid
Archery is technical from simply plotting arrows to scoring and plotting elimination rounds there is a score sheet here for every situation Every score sheet is free to download and use for you or your archery club or team Archery GB Rounds imperial These traditional British rounds tend to use 5 Zone scoring and are governed by the Archery GB Rules of Shooting Most people find these more relaxed and are often the first tournaments
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Archery Score Sheet PDF s Printable Score Cards For Free

Scoring There are two standard target faces used in SCA archery The 24 inch 60 cm five color target also known as the Las Vegas style or FITA target is the required target for Royal Rounds and Inter Kingdom Archery Competition IKAC tournaments

The Royal Round is used to determine the Kingdom Ranking of an individual thrower within a specific weapon style Axes knives spears and plumbatae are used for Royal Round scores at this time Sling will be added in the future Plumbatae and sling are not currently included in the Thrown Weapons Inter Kingdom Challenge TWIC

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Middle Kingdom Royla Round Archery Score Sheets - To fill in the sheet you have two choices you can do it yourself in which case you won t have a Target Captain or you can cross score which is better and more like competitive archery