Mo 4 H Judging Score Sheets

Mo 4 H Judging Score Sheets TRAIL SCORE SHEET Judge Penalty Each tick of log pole cone or obstacle Penalty 1 Each hit or step on Break of gait at walk or jog for two strides or less Both feet in space Skip space Split pole Failure to meet the correct Penalty 3 Break of gait at walk or jog for more than 2 strides Out of lead or break of gait at lope Knock down severely disturbing on obstacle Step

4 H Presentation Score Sheet LG803 4 H Demonstration Score Card LG804 Let s Demonstrate youth Y744 Demonstration Worksheet 04 Y745 Judging 4 H Public Presentation Evaluation LG802 Conference Judging How to Enhance Judging LG736 Judges Training Packet Table of Contents LG747 Conference Judging Helping 4 H Members Evaluate LG731 Family 4 H Horse Judging Score Sheets Score Sheets Working Ranch Western Riding Trail Reining Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Advanced Western Horsemanship Advanced Western Pleasure Class Rank 1 Class Rank 2 Ranking Sheet 3 Longe Line Score Sheet Horse Show Patterns 3 AQHA Resources Under Judges Contact us Department of Animal Science

Mo 4 H Judging Score Sheets


Mo 4 H Judging Score Sheets


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4 H Horse Judging Score Sheets Animal Science

The Missouri 4 H Horse Show Guidelines 2023 will be followed for all aspects of the 4 H FFA State Fair HorseShow defining appropriate equipment clothing grooming procedures and exhibiting standards 4 H Horse Judging Guide WHAT I5 JUDGING Horse judging consists of making a careful study of animals measuring them individually against a commonly accePted ideal Before you start judgr ng try to make a me ntal Dicture of the p rfect hors You can do this by iecalling the most desirable featur s of the 6ne horses you have seen and thinking of them as beloneing to one

The 4 H Branch Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development recognizes the following individuals for providing information and or reviewing sections of the 4 H Judging Manual Judging Horse Dwayne Grover Stettler Judging Sheep Susan Hosford Camrose Judging Swine Walter Preugschas Barrhead While a major emphasis in a 4 H and FFA horse judging program is placed on students learning to evaluate horses objectively equal importance is placed on students learning to discuss and defend judgments rendered in the process of placing a class of horses

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Judging Score Sheet Template


Food Judge Score Sheet


Printable Food Judging Score Sheet

8 Conference Judging Checklist LG735 9 Standards for Judging Exhibits LG308 10 4 H Public Presentation Evaluation LG802 11 4 H Presentation Questionnaire Y802 12 4 H Presentation Score Sheet LG803 13 4 H Demonstration Score Sheet LG804 14 Extemporaneous Speech Score Sheet LG240 15 Interpretation Speech Score Sheet LG241 16 Prepared 4 11 Horse Judging Guide WHAT IS JUDGING Horse judging consists of making a careful study of animals measuring them individually against a commonly accepted ideal Before you start judging try to make a mental picture of the perfect horse You can do this by recalling the most desirable features of the fine

Project Exhibit Score Sheets Any additional forms needed for the Kansas State Fair can be found on the Kansas State Fair 4 H Division Page Agriculture and Natural Resources This handbook covers uniform regulations and procedures in 4 H light horse shows and events throughout the state It is complete with sample courses charts and score sheets


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Livestock Judging Reasons Template

Image Result For 4h Working Ranch Horse Gathering Score Sheet
TRAIL SCORE SHEET Judge Penalty Each tick of log pole cone or obstacle Penalty 1 Each hit or step on Break of gait at walk or jog for two strides or less Both feet in space Skip space Split pole Failure to meet the correct Penalty 3 Break of gait at walk or jog for more than 2 strides Out of lead or break of gait at lope Knock down severely disturbing on obstacle Step

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4 H Presentation Score Sheet LG803 4 H Demonstration Score Card LG804 Let s Demonstrate youth Y744 Demonstration Worksheet 04 Y745 Judging 4 H Public Presentation Evaluation LG802 Conference Judging How to Enhance Judging LG736 Judges Training Packet Table of Contents LG747 Conference Judging Helping 4 H Members Evaluate LG731 Family


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Judging Score Sheet


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Score Sheet For Judging


Horse Judging Score Sheets

Mo 4 H Judging Score Sheets - Complete the score sheet including the numeric points and comments The score sheet is the primary way 4 H ers to receive feedback regarding their demonstration Those responsible for the demonstration event also play an important role in assuring the event is a positive experience General logistics