Motricity Index Score Sheet

Motricity Index Score Sheet The Motricity Index for Motor Impairment After Stroke Overview The Motricity Index can be used to assess the motor impairment in a patient who has had a stroke Tests for Each Arm 1 pinch grip using a 2 5 cm cube between the thumb and forefinger 19 points are given if able to grip cube but not hold it against gravity

MOTRICITY INDEX AND TRUNK CONTROL TEST TEST 1 Pinch grip 0 No movement 11 Beginnings of prehension 19 Grips cube but unable to hold against gravity 22 Grips cube held against gravity but not against weak pull 26 Grips cube against pull but weaker than other normal side 33 Normal pinch grip TRUNK CONTROL TEST 0 Unable to do on own 9 items to assess areas of motor function Takes 15 mins to complete Patients perform each task 3 times only the best performance is recorded For the general tonus item the score is based on continuous observations throughout the assessment

Motricity Index Score Sheet


Motricity Index Score Sheet


Table 2 From Pilot Reliability Study Assessing Motor Impairment After


Motricity Index

The Motricity Index MI scale aims to assess the motor function of a patient after stroke It is divided into upper and lower limb Specifically the upper limb asks questions about the ability to perform gripper elbow flexion and shoulder abduction The Fugl Meyer Assessment FMA is a stroke specific performance based impairment index It is designed to assess motor functioning balance sensation and joint functioning in patients with post stroke hemiplegia It is applied clinically and in research to determine disease severity describe motor recovery and to plan and assess treatment

Motricity Index scores The strength of the paretic upper extremity of 10 patients with stroke was measured using the Motricity Index and dynamometry Specifically measured were hand grasp elbow flexion and shoulder abduction The criterion Scores are provided for the arm leg side and trunk based on the patient s ability to complete each motion against varying levels of resistance This document contains a Motricity Index test and Trunk Control Test to assess a patient s motor function and trunk control

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PDF Motricity Index Trunk Control Test DOKUMEN TIPS


The Comparison Of The Means Of The Motricity Index Stroke Specific

Inter rater reliability for Motricity Index and TrunkControl Test was measured using the results ofthe six week assessments on 20 patients Comparability of the Rivermead Motor Assessment with the Motricity Index andtheTrunkControlTestwasmeasuredby calculating rank order comparisons using Spearman srho Thesensitivity ofeach test RMA 3 com Purpose To use the Motricity Index MI to evaluate the motor impairment of a patient following a stroke Specialty Sports Medicine Rehabilitation Neurology Objective severity prognosis stage complication detection ICD 10 I61 I62 I63 I64

This chapter is a comprehensive reference manual providing information on the Motricity Index which is a performance based test that aims to give an overall indication of a patient s limb impairment using methods that can be quickly administered Its role is to measure strength in the upper and lower paretic extremity From the weighted summed and averaged scores a motricity index may be derived This index gives a rapid overall indication of a patient s progress in motor recovery permits comparisons


Motricity Index FisioScience


Table 5 From Test retest Reliability Of Motricity Index Strength

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The Motricity Index For Motor Impairment After Stroke JC…
The Motricity Index for Motor Impairment After Stroke Overview The Motricity Index can be used to assess the motor impairment in a patient who has had a stroke Tests for Each Arm 1 pinch grip using a 2 5 cm cube between the thumb and forefinger 19 points are given if able to grip cube but not hold it against gravity

Table 2 From Pilot Reliability Study Assessing Motor Impairment After
MOTRICITY INDEX AND TRUNK CONTROL TEST TEST 1 Pinch grip 0 No movement 11 Beginnings of prehension 19 Grips cube but unable to hold against gravity 22 Grips cube held against gravity but not against weak pull 26 Grips cube against pull but weaker than other normal side 33 Normal pinch grip TRUNK CONTROL TEST 0 Unable to do on own


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Motricity Index FisioScience


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Motricity Index Score Sheet - Retrospective cross sectional comparison of lower extremity Motricity Index scores and hand held dynamometer measurements obtained from 15 patients with stroke