Nfaa Field Hunter Round Score Sheets The bonus dot scoring will be mandatory at NFAA National and Sectional Field Championships and optional at other events An arrow shaft must touch the bonus dot to be counted in the next higher value Arrows touching the orientation line will not count for the higher value
FIELD AND OR HUNTER SCORES ROUND H C Formula For Establishing a Handicap 1 An archer s handicap shall be computed on the official NFAA field and or hunter round and shall be computed by the following table Best score of 2 scores 80 of average differential 2 best scores of 5 scores 80 of average differential 5 Scoring For Championship Hunter target 2 above 5 1 Scoring is five points for the spot four for center ring and three for the outer ring 5 2 In all NFAA Rounds an arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value
Nfaa Field Hunter Round Score Sheets
Nfaa Field Hunter Round Score Sheets
The NFAA Field Round Adult Senior Conejo Valley Archers
Changes To NFAA Field Round Archery Talk Forum
Scoring arrow will count In the case of walk up targets the first arrow must be shot from the farthest stake the second arrow from the middle stake and the third arrow from the nearest stake in order to be scored DISTANCE MARKERS ADULT Over 18 Yellow Markers indicate the yardage and shooting position YOUNG AUDLT 15 through 17 Field round hunter round animal round max min yards international round field round hunter round ernational international round field hunter or animal round int round field round hunter round animal round international round 35 30 25 20 ft 11 yds 20 10 yds 20 ft 20 cm 20 cm grp 4 15 yds 15 14 20 10 10 yds 35 35 4
Section I leads off with a cursory description of almost all outdoor archery games defined by the NFAA and IFAA These games come in three versions Field Archery Target Archery and Bowhunter Rounds Section II then attempts to define basic lay HOW TO SHOOT FIELD ARCHERY The King s Mountain range is a certified National Field Archery Association NFAA field archery range Field archery consists of shooting 4 arrows at 28 targets A total of 112 arrows are shot during the round and the maximum score is 560 points A standard field round consists of two 14 target units and could be
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Maple Leaf NFAA Official Field Targets 25pk Walmart
Ex Scoring Hunter Target The animal round is much like the 3 D round but the targets are 2 D that is an animal printed on a sheet of paper that is usually pasted to cardboard NFAA the basics of field indoor classic and vegas rounds Indoor round ONE SPOT STANDARD UNIT A standard unit consists of 60 arrows TARGET FACE SCORING 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value SHOOTING RULES Shot as three 3
Hunter Round o A standard Hunter round consists of 14 targets A full round consists of shooting the round twice o Targets are round all black face with white center dot There are a possible 20 points per target and a perfect round of 14 targets is 280 points o Scoring Center white and X 5 black ring to thin white line 4 outer black NFAA Outdoor Field Rounds Please note Field and Hunter rounds are defined in the IFAA section Animal rounds Similar to IFAA Animal rounds but with target faces of slightly smaller size Archery Score Pad currently accommodates only 28 target two unit Animal round Ranked by score least hits kills NFAA Animal Round marked 14 target
Spider Cup 5 NFAA Field Round Easton Newberry Archery Center 8
SCAA Field Hunter State Championships NFAA USA
The bonus dot scoring will be mandatory at NFAA National and Sectional Field Championships and optional at other events An arrow shaft must touch the bonus dot to be counted in the next higher value Arrows touching the orientation line will not count for the higher value…
FIELD AND OR HUNTER SCORES ROUND H C Formula For Establishing a Handicap 1 An archer s handicap shall be computed on the official NFAA field and or hunter round and shall be computed by the following table Best score of 2 scores 80 of average differential 2 best scores of 5 scores 80 of average differential

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Spider Cup 5 NFAA Field Round Easton Newberry Archery Center 8
Archery Score Sheet PDF

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Nfaa Score Card

How To Shoot Field Archery

The NFAA Field Round Adult Senior Conejo Valley Archers

Yahtzee Score Sheets Download Free Documents For PDF Word And Excel
Nfaa Field Hunter Round Score Sheets - NFAA the basics of field indoor classic and vegas rounds Indoor round ONE SPOT STANDARD UNIT A standard unit consists of 60 arrows TARGET FACE SCORING 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be An arrow shaft need only touch the line to be counted in the area of next higher value SHOOTING RULES Shot as three 3