Ohio Big Buck Score Sheet Scores are determined by a series of measurements using the Boone and Crockett scoring system Click the button at the right to search the Buckeye Big Buck Club s record book
We are very excited to annouce that the Buckeye Big Buck Club Record Book is now available online One helpful hint before you check it out Make sure you type in your name exactly as it was put in the book in order to find your own deer There are so many ways to look things up Buckeye Big Buck Club Record Book Search Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Rack Type County Hunter Net Score Implement Harvest Year Rank Sex of Hunter Typical Non Typical All All Greater Than or Equals Less Than or Equals 0 8 All All Top 10 Top 50 Top 100 All Female Male All Hunter Harvest Year County Implement Net Score
Ohio Big Buck Score Sheet
Ohio Big Buck Score Sheet
Ohio Mystery Buck Deerassic Park Education Center
Field Judging Whitetail Deer
We are scoring this past seasons bucks all spring and summer at different scoring events The club gives us as scorers until the end of October to have all our score sheets turned in from the past hunting season The names of all the scorers in Ohio are listed on the list below the map Each scorer has a number to correspond with the numbers on the map Call the scorer closest to you and leave them a message
The online database easily allows anyone to search and rank Ohio s record book bucks by county hunter score type of deer typical or non typical hunting implement year and overall ranking Results can be sorted and exported as a PDF or text file The database will be updated annually Buckeye Big Buck Club Scorers Map Pub 5528 R1024 ID COUNTY NAME CITY PHONE 1 Adams Brian Smalley Peebles 937 217 6332 2 Adams Jeffrey Sperry Blue Creek 304 669 6901 3 Allen William Bellman Lima 419 303 8427 4 Ashland Jon Byers Loudonville 419 651 0501 5 Ashland Lori Byers Loudonville 419 908 5625 6 Ashland Steve Reinhold Nova 440 865 7196 7
More picture related to Ohio Big Buck Score Sheet
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https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5d3c63_30e2049940084dd9a0f8a5bf6eb2e4e6~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_725,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Big Buck Divisions_PNG.png
A hunter in Ohio took down a massive 12 point whitetail in October of this year and recently released scoring indicates it s one for the record books Scorers with Buckmasters Whitetail Trophy Records BTR measured Jason Thomas s enormous typical buck at 208 which makes it the new Buckmasters Buckeye Big Buck Club Record Book Search Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Rack Type County Hunter Net Score Implement Harvest Year Rank Sex of Hunter Typical Non Typical All All Greater Than or Equals Less Than or Equals 0 8 All All Top 10 Top 50 Top 100 All Female Male All Hunter Harvest Year County Implement Net Score
The Beatty buck scored 304 6 8 and currently ranks as the No 1 nontypical buck in Ohio the largest nontypical ever taken by a hunter and the top nontypical in the country on the trophy lists Jason Thomas thought he d killed a near world record whitetail His 2023 Ohio crossbow killed deer was scored right after the hunt at 211 4 8 typical inches The official score from Buckmasters Whitetail Trophy Records came in at 208 making it
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Scores are determined by a series of measurements using the Boone and Crockett scoring system Click the button at the right to search the Buckeye Big Buck Club s record book

We are very excited to annouce that the Buckeye Big Buck Club Record Book is now available online One helpful hint before you check it out Make sure you type in your name exactly as it was put in the book in order to find your own deer There are so many ways to look things up

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YF R Preparing For Annual Big Buck Contest Moapa Valley Progress

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Deer Points Scoring
Ohio Big Buck Score Sheet - This quote may be a misprint in the following article A five judge panel of scorers from the Ohio DNR Big Buck Club who are also Boone Crockett scorers will be scoring Thomas s buck on December 30 2023