Opp Pin Test Score Sheet Scoring Tables for the OPFA Pin Program Download To maintain a high level of consistency in testing for the Pin Program an accredited appraisers course is held at the Ontario Police College and at other locations in the province several times a year
PROTOCOLS OF OPFA TESTING COMPONENTS 5 7 PUSH UPS Push ups are a test of muscular endurance upper body chest and triceps which is defined as the ability of a muscle to perform repeated contractions over a period of time Procedure It is imperative that the participant is well instructed in the correct performance of the push up procedure Scoring sheets for PIN Fitness Test All recruits will be required to pass during first week of arrival at the Provincial Police Academy Minimum 75 is required to pass
Opp Pin Test Score Sheet
Opp Pin Test Score Sheet
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This training guide was created to assist individuals with increasing their physical fitness level in order to successfully pass the Pin Test Individuals should train at least 3 5 days per week for 30 60 minutes per workout session The emphasis of the workouts should be on muscular and cardiovascular endurance You must be able to obtain an aggregate total score of at least 75 Music and headphones are permitted during the assessment Please come prepared in appropriate gym attire Please wear appropriate foot wear Hands facing forward and placed under the shoulders Push up from mat to full arm extension and down until chin touches the mat
The OPP encourages applicants to challenge themselves on the Shuttle Run and Fitness Pin to monitor their own progression and can be used as a benchmark for improvement For proper form and the Ontario Fitness Pin scoring matrix visit www pfpo To successfully pass the Fitness Pin Test a score of 75 or better is required Successful recipients receive the Ontario Police Fitness Award pin and join many other Police Service members who take the test annually
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Applicants are directed to a website for proper form and scoring details for these assessments The log is to be completed daily over a minimum 2 week period to track runs strength training other activities stress management and Fitness Pin component scores can be used as a benchmark for improvement Here is PIN Test scoring for 1 5 Mile Shuttle run based on age gender Check out the articles attached to the videos and improve your running
Client scores are maximized if they test following a warm up Have participants follow a general warm up with a specific pretest static modified hurdle stretch on both legs before the trials of the actual sit and reach movement Information surrounding the Ontario Fitness Pin including the scoring matrix is available at www pfpo The OPP encourages applicants to challenge themselves completing both the Shuttle Run
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Scoring Tables for the OPFA Pin Program Download To maintain a high level of consistency in testing for the Pin Program an accredited appraisers course is held at the Ontario Police College and at other locations in the province several times a year
PROTOCOLS OF OPFA TESTING COMPONENTS 5 7 PUSH UPS Push ups are a test of muscular endurance upper body chest and triceps which is defined as the ability of a muscle to perform repeated contractions over a period of time Procedure It is imperative that the participant is well instructed in the correct performance of the push up procedure

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Opp Pin Test Score Sheet - Currently applicants to police services are required to successfully complete a PREP test or Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police This test is then required again during Basic Constable training at the Ontario Police College