P Y Elk Score Sheet

P Y Elk Score Sheet Brief instructions for measuring non typical roosevelt s and tule elk Measurements must be made with a flexible steel tape or steel cable and recorded to the nearest one eighth of an inch

Refer to P Y Measurer s Manual for a detailed description of measuring procedures Number of Points on each antler To be counted a point a projection must be at least one inch long AND Maybe a true trophy elk mule deer or moose with a firearm Then this is the place for you to download your associated scoresheet for either Boone And Crockett or Pope and Young trophy animals Our scorsheets are in PDF format which will require Adobe to open and read or a similar compatible utility

P Y Elk Score Sheet


P Y Elk Score Sheet


It s Official New World Record Elk Taken In Montana OutdoorHub


Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club

MINIMUM SCORE 300 20 G2 E POPE YOUNG CLUB Official Scoring System for Bowhunting North American Big Game NON TYPICAL AMERICAN ELK G5 G7 H3 H2 C IN VELVET Abnormal Points A B D G G COLUMN 1 Spread Credit County Hunter Zip Code ht Antler COLUMN 3 Left Antler Left Antler COLUMN 4 Difference SUBTOTALS E TOTAL COLUMN 2 To begin you ll need the following items A flexible measuring tape cloth or steel Masking tape Pen and Paper or a print out of the Boone and Crockett score sheet Start by measuring the Home Elk Hunting Content

Under the heading of North American big game are the following species categories with their appropriate minimum entry score requirements using the Boone Crockett Pope Young scoring system Geographic boundaries as described in the publication Pope and Young Club Measurer s Manual are established for the categories As far as the requirements the score sheet for P Y lists everything you need for information requirements As stated above it takes a true giant to meet B C Example minimum elk score for P Y is 260 and B C is 365

More picture related to P Y Elk Score Sheet


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A compressive guide to officially scoring an elk for either Pope and Young or Boone and Crockett Official scorer Troy Hawkins of Palisade Colorado was nic The Pope Young score sheet Pope and Young Club If you harvested an animal that meets P Y standards the process for recording it in the books is simple Once you have it measured the official scoring form and the signed fair chase affidavit a statement saying you harvested the animal in accordance with game laws and three

I have made score sheets for mule deer and whitetail elk and pronghorn but they do not look like an official score sheet They work exactly the same though All you have to do is enter the measurements in and all of the math is done for you I just use them for my personal use If you want to have a look you can see them at this link Pope and Young requires a minimum score of 260 Count the number of points in each antler For scoring purposes a point must be 1 inch long and longer than it is wide Measure the antler spread in three places tip to tip at the ends of the main beams greatest spread and inside spread at the widest point between the antlers


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Brief instructions for measuring non typical roosevelt s and tule elk Measurements must be made with a flexible steel tape or steel cable and recorded to the nearest one eighth of an inch

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Refer to P Y Measurer s Manual for a detailed description of measuring procedures Number of Points on each antler To be counted a point a projection must be at least one inch long AND


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P Y Elk Score Sheet - Calculate the total Pope and Young score by adding up the measurements from steps 2 to 5 Complete the additional information on the score sheet such as date of kill place of kill and hunter information