Poetry Out Loud Accuracy Score Sheet Accuracy judge Follow along with the text of the poem as the competitor recites Mark the text each time there is an error in accuracy You should mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently Be consistent
There is an error in accuracy You may want to mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently After the recitation use the guidance below to assign a point deduction to each mistake To get the final accuracy score count up the point deductions and subtract them from Digital Score Sheets for Judges As most teachers and organizers will be navigating virtual contests this year we are providing templates for a customizable Excel POL Contest Evaluation Sheet and POL Accuracy Score Sheet for judges please note that these only work in Microsoft Excel Instructions for judges on how to use these evaluation
Poetry Out Loud Accuracy Score Sheet
Poetry Out Loud Accuracy Score Sheet
Poetry Recitation Scoresheet PDF
Score Sheet Poetry PDF
Notes on accuracy 8 points are possible in this category If no mistakes are made and the prompter is not used student should receive a perfect accuracy score of 8 A couple minor substitutions i e a instead of the or transposition of The scoring rubric is meant to provide a consistent measure against which to evaluate recitations It is not intended to be comprehensive but serves as a companion to the evaluation criteria We suggest you review it before the competition to get a sense of what you should look for in individual performances
ACCURACY JUDGE Follow along with the text of the poem as the competitor recites Mark the text each time there is an error in accuracy You should mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently Be consistent ACCURACY SCORE SHEET G WePiRl POETRY NAME OF STUDENT OUT LOUD 2018 2019 TEACHER S TITLE OF POEM GUIDE Maximum Score 8 points Inaccuracy Deduction subtract points Prompt Deduction subtract points FINAL ACCURACY SCORE points Lowest possible score is point Accuracy judge Follow along with the text of the poem
More picture related to Poetry Out Loud Accuracy Score Sheet
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ACCURACY JUDGE Follow along with the text of the poem as the competitor recites Mark the text each time there is an error in accuracy mispronunciations are not accuracy errors You should mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently Be consistent Score sheet used by the Accuracy Judge to track errors in accuracy Every year since 2005 the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation work with thousands of schools and organizations nationwide to bring students a unique way to learn and love poetry
It includes rubrics for physical presence voice and articulation dramatic appropriateness evidence of understanding and overall performance each scored on a scale of 1 to 6 or 1 to 9 It also includes a separate accuracy score sheet that deducts up to A judge will mark missed or incorrect words during the recitation with small deductions for each If you rely on the prompter during your recitation points will also be subtracted from your accuracy score Eight points will be added to your score for a perfectly accurate recitation
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Accuracy judge Follow along with the text of the poem as the competitor recites Mark the text each time there is an error in accuracy You should mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently Be consistent
There is an error in accuracy You may want to mark all minor inaccuracies the same since each is worth a 1 point deduction and flag the bigger mistakes differently After the recitation use the guidance below to assign a point deduction to each mistake To get the final accuracy score count up the point deductions and subtract them from

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Poetry Out Loud Accuracy Score Sheet - ACCURACY SCORE SHEET G WePiRl POETRY NAME OF STUDENT OUT LOUD 2018 2019 TEACHER S TITLE OF POEM GUIDE Maximum Score 8 points Inaccuracy Deduction subtract points Prompt Deduction subtract points FINAL ACCURACY SCORE points Lowest possible score is point Accuracy judge Follow along with the text of the poem