Pope And Young Non Typical Score Sheet No scores are official Pope and Young scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Pope and Young Club All trophy entries into the Pope and Young Club s Awards Programs are subject to verification
No scores are oficial Pope and Young scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Pope and Young Club All trophy entries into the Pope and Young No of this this score scores are For complete list of scoresheet forms and details visit the Pope And Young Official Website Our scorsheets are in PDF format which will require Adobe to open and read or a similar compatible utility Simply click the file and open to print or right click and save to your computer
Pope And Young Non Typical Score Sheet
Pope And Young Non Typical Score Sheet
How To Score A Bull Elk
10 Biggest Pope And Young Non Typical Whitetails Of All Time North
MINIMUM SCORE 300 20 G2 E POPE YOUNG CLUB Official Scoring System for Bowhunting North American Big Game NON TYPICAL AMERICAN ELK G5 G7 H3 H2 C IN VELVET Abnormal Points A B D G G COLUMN 1 Spread Credit County Hunter Zip Code ht Antler COLUMN 3 Left Antler Left Antler COLUMN 4 Difference SUBTOTALS E TOTAL COLUMN 2 Under the heading of North American big game are the following species categories with their appropriate minimum score entry requirement using the Boone Crockett Pope Young scoring system
POPE and YOUNG CLUB MINIMUM SCORE whitetail 125 Coues 65 Official Scoring System for bowhunting north american big game TYPICAL whitetail and COUES DEER SUBTOTALS TOTAL TO E SEE OTHER SIDE for INSTRUCTIONS The Pope and Young minimum score for a typical whitetail is 125 and the non typical is 155 The minimum score for a Boone and Crockett typical whitetail is 160 and the non typical is 185 As you can imagine making the record book is quite an honor and there are scoring rules that apply
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Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club
Download B C Score Chart PDFs Boone And Crockett Club
How To Score Whitetail And Mule Deer Trophies
Under the heading of North American big game are the following species categories with their appropriate minimum entry score requirements using the Boone Crockett Pope Young scoring system Geographic boundaries as described in the publication Pope and Young Club Measurer s Manual are established for the categories To qualify for the Pope Young Club records a typical whitetail rack must score at least 125 inches and a non typical must score at least 155 15 Analogous values for mule deer are 145 and 170 12 4 8 for Coues deer 70 and 80 5 and for Columbian black tailed deer 95 and 115 10
Determining the green score of your whitetail buck or mule deer is a fairly straightforward process if you follow the steps that Pope and Young has outlined There is a specific scoring form for a typical or non typical whitetail or a typical or non typical mule deer So a typical antler rack was established for scoring purposes as well as a non typical antler rack Each rack was assigned a minimum score for inclusion into the record book This system works just fine for scoring big game animals and is still used today
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No scores are official Pope and Young scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Pope and Young Club All trophy entries into the Pope and Young Club s Awards Programs are subject to verification

No scores are oficial Pope and Young scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Pope and Young Club All trophy entries into the Pope and Young No of this this score scores are

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Printable Boone And Crockett Score Sheet

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Pope And Young Non Typical Score Sheet - By following the instructions and looking at the diagrams on the Pope and Young score sheets you should be able to come up with a rough score on your own using the information above and on the score sheet You can download the sheets by clicking on the links provided below Typical Whitetail Deer Non Typical Whitetail Deer Typical Mule Deer