Pope And Young Whitetail Score Sheet Pdf Refer to P Y Measurer s Manual for a detailed description of measuring procedures Number of Points on each antler
Interactive Whitetail Deer Non Typical Score Sheet Author Pope Young Club Created Date 6 21 2013 8 17 10 PM For complete list of scoresheet forms and details visit the Pope And Young Official Website Our scorsheets are in PDF format which will require Adobe to open and read or a similar compatible utility Simply click the file and open to print or right click and save to your computer
Pope And Young Whitetail Score Sheet Pdf
Pope And Young Whitetail Score Sheet Pdf
P Y Score Sheet White Tailed Deer Teaching Mathematics
Official Scoring Form Printable Pdf Download
P Y Score sheet Free download as PDF File pdf Text File txt or read online for free POPE and YOUNG CLUB MINIMUM SCORE whitetail 125 Coues 65 Official Scoring System for bowhunting north american big game TYPICAL whitetail and COUES DEER SUBTOTALS TOTAL TO E SEE OTHER SIDE for INSTRUCTIONS 1 Original scoring form completed by an Official Measurer of the Pope Young Club or the Boone Crockett Club 2 Completed Fair Chase Affidavit 3 Three photos of antlers horns or skull a view from the front side a view from the left side and a view from the right side A field photo is also requested if possible 4
Tailed deer Several antler score record and award programs such as Pope and Young Records Cy Curtis Awards Texas Big Game Awards Magnolia Records Outstanding White tailed Deer etc use this scoring system Boone and Crockett white tailed deer antler score represents a sum of antler lengths point lengths circumferences Pope Young is recognized as the official repository for records on bow harvested North American big game animals Together with the Boone Crockett Club Pope Young maintains the universally accepted scoring system and sets the standards for measuring and scoring North American big game
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MINIMUM SCORE 300 20 G2 E POPE YOUNG CLUB Official Scoring System for Bowhunting North American Big Game NON TYPICAL AMERICAN ELK G5 G7 H3 H2 C IN VELVET Abnormal Points A B D G G COLUMN 1 Spread Credit County Hunter Zip Code ht Antler COLUMN 3 Left Antler Left Antler COLUMN 4 Difference SUBTOTALS E TOTAL COLUMN 2 No scores are official Pope and Young scores until verified and the trophy is accepted by the Pope and Young Club All trophy entries into the Pope and Young Club s Awards Programs are subject to verification
The document outlines the official scoring system for non typical whitetail and Coues deer as established by the Pope Young Club It details the minimum score requirements measurement procedures and entry requirements for hunters wishing to record their trophies The scoring involves various measurements of antlers including points To qualify for the Pope Young Club records a typical whitetail rack must score at least 125 inches and a non typical must score at least 155 15 Analogous values for mule deer are 145 and 170 12 4 8 for Coues deer 70 and 80 5 and for Columbian black tailed deer 95 and 115 10
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Measuring Whitetail Deer Antlers
Refer to P Y Measurer s Manual for a detailed description of measuring procedures Number of Points on each antler
Interactive Whitetail Deer Non Typical Score Sheet Author Pope Young Club Created Date 6 21 2013 8 17 10 PM
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Printable Whitetail Score Sheet
Pope And Young Whitetail Score Sheet Pdf - 1 Original scoring form completed by an Official Measurer of the Pope Young Club or the Boone Crockett Club 2 Completed Fair Chase Affidavit 3 Three photos of antlers horns or skull a view from the front side a view from the left side and a view from the right side A field photo is also requested if possible 4