Portsmouth Archery Round Score Sheet

Portsmouth Archery Round Score Sheet The Portsmouth round uses 10 zone scoring from 1 to 10 For all rounds a miss is always marked with an M 60cm Target Face For Portsmouth badges and Indoor Classification Awards Score sheets must be fully completed and signed by the archer shooting the round The scoring must also be witnessed and the score sheet signed off by another archer

ROUND Portsmouth BOWSTYLE End Total End Total Total Hits 10s Running Total Totals Archer s Signature Scorer s Signature Title Score Sheet Portsmouth xlsx Author Nic Created Date 10 26 2014 9 52 02 AM Portsmouth round 5 dozen scoring arrows to be shot on a 60cm face indoors Two ends of sighters 2x3 6 arrows maximum 10 Zone Scoring X 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and M for any misses

Portsmouth Archery Round Score Sheet


Portsmouth Archery Round Score Sheet


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Printable Archery Score Cards

Portsmouth rounds are shot with 5 dozen arrows 6 sighters on a 60cm face using 10 zone scoring Age group U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 Senior Round Portsmouth J End End Score Hits 10s Run Total 20y Archers Signature Name Date Bowstyle R BB LB C Gender F M Age group U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 Senior Round Portsmouth J End

Dolphin Archery 2021 Portsmouth Scoresheet Target Faces 60cm full size or triple face Scoring Indoor 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M compound use inner ten only Distances 20 yards Name Date Bowstyle R BB LB C Gender F M Age group U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 Senior Round Portsmouth J End End Score Hits 10s Run This page allows you to print perfect score sheets customised for your Club s competition Any text containing Example and many other bits too can be edited before printing The site template is automatically removed when printing

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Portsmouth Round Divisions Open O Period P Recurve RC Longbow LB Crossbow XB Score sheets to Captain General of Archers e mail archery drachenwald sca Bow types Notes Only 10 s are recorded as golds If two or more archers arrows are found in one multiple face only the lowest arrow value in that face will score Author Paul Nelms

This document appears to be an archery score sheet used to record an archer s performance in a competition It includes fields to log the archer s name date round details bow type scoring results at 20 yards on a 60cm target including time number of hits number of 10 point scores and total score Signature lines are also included for the 2024 Southampton Archery Club Limited


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The Portsmouth round uses 10 zone scoring from 1 to 10 For all rounds a miss is always marked with an M 60cm Target Face For Portsmouth badges and Indoor Classification Awards Score sheets must be fully completed and signed by the archer shooting the round The scoring must also be witnessed and the score sheet signed off by another archer

Archery Score Sheet PDF s Printable Score Cards For Free
Score Sheet Portsmouth

http://nortonarchers.co.uk/na_docu/Portsmouth Score S…
ROUND Portsmouth BOWSTYLE End Total End Total Total Hits 10s Running Total Totals Archer s Signature Scorer s Signature Title Score Sheet Portsmouth xlsx Author Nic Created Date 10 26 2014 9 52 02 AM


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Portsmouth Archery Round Score Sheet - Scoring 10 zone WORCESTER A Worcester round uses a special black and white face containing 4 black rings scoring 1 through to 4 and the centre white scoring 5 The Worcester round is shot at 2 faces one above the other You shoot your first 30 arrows at one face and the next 30 at the other There is no set order to shooting