Poster Judging Score Sheet

Poster Judging Score Sheet Judges Score Sheet Poster Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Abstract Quality 5 Points Total 5 4 3 2 0 Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 3 1 0

Judges Score Sheet Poster Paper Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 4 2 1 Effective use of color 5 4 2 1 Print font easy to read from a distance 5 4 2 1 Correct spelling and terminology including S I 5 4 2 1 Publication quality How well did the poster describe the nature of the research question or issue Was there a well conceived rationale for undertaking the study Were hypotheses or study objectives clearly communicated and appropriately developed

Poster Judging Score Sheet


Poster Judging Score Sheet


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Judges Score Sheet Poster Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Abstract Quality 5 Points Total 5 4 3 2 0 Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 3 1 0 Color is balanced 5 3 1 0 Print font easy to read from a distance 5 3 1 0 Correct spelling and terminology 5 3 1 0 14x22 poster board 5 MEMBER S NAME AGE ADDRESS GRADE LEVEL CLUB NAME LEADER 5 INTERPRETIVE STATEMENT 5 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION POINTS AWARDED 20 possible RIBBON AWARDED Blue 100 85 Red 84 70 White 69 0 TOTAL POINTS Title Poster Contest Judges Score Sheet Author

Points are based on the scoring system below Rank each presenter within the section with 1 being your overall best presenter enter in highlighted cell above Comments Comments will be provided to presenter as written It provides a tabulation sheet for 3 judges to score 15 contestants based on these criteria and determine overall rankings This document outlines the criteria and scoring for a poster making contest including relevance to theme 35 creativity and presentation 25 and originality and artistic composition 20 each

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Poster Criteria For Judging

Please total your score for us Authors collaborators advisors are clearly identified 2018 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference Paper ID American Society for Engineering Education 2018 Student Poster Competition Judges Score Sheet

How difficult is it to read the poster How are colour schemes used are they easy on the eye How crowded is the poster Is there a good flow of information logical layout of information Does the poster stimulate interest and discussion Is the poster visually jumbled How easy is it to follow the sequence in the poster It contains sections to evaluate contestants posters based on their concept and relevance to the theme originality creativity visual impact and number of social media likes with a total possible score of 100 points Contestants are separated into groups for


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Judges Score Sheet Poster Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Abstract Quality 5 Points Total 5 4 3 2 0 Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 3 1 0

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Judges Score Sheet Poster Paper Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 4 2 1 Effective use of color 5 4 2 1 Print font easy to read from a distance 5 4 2 1 Correct spelling and terminology including S I 5 4 2 1 Publication quality


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Poster Judging Score Sheet - Judges Score Sheet Poster Contest Student Name Poster Number University Scoring Excellent Good Fair Poor Absent Abstract Quality 5 Points Total 5 4 3 2 0 Appearance and Flow 25 Points Total Overall appearance Organization 5 3 1 0 Color is balanced 5 3 1 0 Print font easy to read from a distance 5 3 1 0 Correct spelling and terminology 5 3 1 0