Public Speaking Score Sheet Higher Education Policy Commission in West Virginia is responsible for developing establishing and overseeing the implementation of a public po licy agenda for the state s four year colleges and universities
Speaker uses appropriate emphasis and tone to captivate audience Speaker presents speech as mere repeating of facts and speech comes across as a report Speaker lacks enthusiasm and power to engage audience Category criteria use the Public Speaking Judging Rubric to clarify Components of a speech speaker audience speech no props or costumes
Public Speaking Score Sheet
Public Speaking Score Sheet
Public Speaking Marking Scheme Speech Rubric Speaker s Name
Public Speaking McLennan
Use the back of the sheet if necessary 1 Did introduction create interest in subject Was catchy title used 2 Was introduction short and to the point 3 Was one theme clear throughout the presentation 4 Was the theme presented in logical order 5 Was speech neatly arranged and well organized 6 Were key points stressed 7 Score Connecting and articulating facts and issues Exemplary in connecting facts and issues and articulating how they impact the issue locally and globally Possesses a strong knowledge base and is able to effectively articulate information regarding related facts and current issues
PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST SCORE SHEET 1 Introduction 10 points a Did the introduction create interest in the subject b Was the introduction short and to the point 2 Organization 15 points a Were the main points easy to follow b Were the Scores of 9 10 are superior 7 8 slightly above average 4 6 are average and 1 3 are below average Feel free to not observations that may be helpful to contestants in the future
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1 Introduction 2 Body 3 Summary a Major points emphasized 4 Appearance a Grooming dress b Poise posture 5 Voice clear understood 6 Appropriate vocal dynamics 7 Red Good relative to pre established standards a few specific shortcomings have been identified White Fair many improvements are needed in order for the exhibit to meet the pre established standards No Award far below standards expected for the exhibit
Judges will score presentations on topic focus appearance gestures voice and language use The document outlines the rules and criteria for a public speaking competition It states that each college can submit 1 entry though some colleges can submit up to 3 entries The Competent Speaker Speech Evaluation Form is a standardized and tested instrument to be used in assessing public speaking competency at the higher education level The instrument was developed in 1990 by the NCA Committee for Assessment and
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Higher Education Policy Commission in West Virginia is responsible for developing establishing and overseeing the implementation of a public po licy agenda for the state s four year colleges and universities…
Speaker uses appropriate emphasis and tone to captivate audience Speaker presents speech as mere repeating of facts and speech comes across as a report Speaker lacks enthusiasm and power to engage audience
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Public Speaking Score Sheet - Score Connecting and articulating facts and issues Exemplary in connecting facts and issues and articulating how they impact the issue locally and globally Possesses a strong knowledge base and is able to effectively articulate information regarding related facts and current issues