Reddit Cheat Sheet Max Gear Scores Here you will find a spreadsheet that contains All weapon talents along with their ranges which weapons they roll on and their requirements EDIT Sheet updated to patch 1 1 all stat ranges datamined How to read the spreadsheet Let s take a high end level 31 mask for example
I also recommend using that spreadsheet to create your own keep scrap cheat sheet of sorts as it makes sorting your preferred gear loot so much faster It s much easier when you have a quick guide to your preferred attributes as well thier roll ranges You can find the Gear Management Guide here I also made a basic Gear Score Calculator while there are plenty of those already existing mine also recommends suitable substat changes and Set Substat synergy based on the Gear Guide
Reddit Cheat Sheet Max Gear Scores
Reddit Cheat Sheet Max Gear Scores
Reddit Cheat Sheet Quick Reference
A CheatSheet For The Frontpage Of The Internet Techglimpse
I made a spreadsheet to help with calculating gear score Info is based on the DaD wiki if it updates you can change the values on the calculations sheet Be aware I don t think everything counts to gear score like arrows Raise your gear score You can re calibrate items 450 and above by adding stats to increase gear score Example if you have a 454 item that has a low crit chance on it and you take a max crit chance from another piece you can raise that items GS to almost 470
The spreadsheet makes it look more complicated than it really is Essentially You get crests that let you upgrade your gear up to the max of the next highest difficulty up to lowest mythic level You also need flightstones which drop as well and are the same for all difficulties 9 M dungeon drops are the sweet spot for getting gear that can upgrade all the way to 437 just one upgrade level below the max you can upgrade to at all 441 Some people do consider 9 pretty low so I think 9 s will be pretty valuable even to the higher end players especially early on
More picture related to Reddit Cheat Sheet Max Gear Scores
Reddit Cheat Sheet Quick Reference
Gear Score 2016 17 YouTube
Official Explanation Of Gear Score New World YouTube
Medium armor optimized at best gives you 2 3rds 68 as much armor as full heavy armor With this setup you have nearly twice as much Armor as a Light have 10 increased damage and healing 10 increased crowd control duration and you have a medium dodge which is a short but relatively fast hop They calculate your gear score internally based on the rarity of each item you have equipped as well as any utility items you have equipped or in your inventory The tool I link lets you easily calculate your gear score based on the information in the wiki and see which queue you will join
Take a second weapon slot and keep leveling your most important gems Once they reach level 20 quality them and Vaal them You ll either will get higher level quality or a 20 20 Vaal gem All of them are really valuable early in leagues Work on side projects Gear score is just a gauge of how close to max your stats are it s up to YOU as a player to decide what is actually better or worse It was the same thing in the first game People are like I hit max gear score
Fantasy Cheat Sheets Printable Catalog Tools Images And Photos Finder
The Cheat Sheet Wikipedia Reddit Plan SOPA Blackout,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_675,w_1200,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1493051766/videos/2012/01/17/the-cheat-sheet-wikipedia-and-reddit-plan-sopa-blackout/120117---Cheat-Sheet_rrrhl8…
Here you will find a spreadsheet that contains All weapon talents along with their ranges which weapons they roll on and their requirements EDIT Sheet updated to patch 1 1 all stat ranges datamined How to read the spreadsheet Let s take a high end level 31 mask for example…
I also recommend using that spreadsheet to create your own keep scrap cheat sheet of sorts as it makes sorting your preferred gear loot so much faster It s much easier when you have a quick guide to your preferred attributes as well thier roll ranges

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Fantasy Cheat Sheets Printable Catalog Tools Images And Photos Finder

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Equal Gear Score Scaling Is Coming To New World YouTube

Cheat Sheet Add 1 8th For Se Add 1 2 For Big End R sheetmetal

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Max Rascher
Reddit Cheat Sheet Max Gear Scores - 9 M dungeon drops are the sweet spot for getting gear that can upgrade all the way to 437 just one upgrade level below the max you can upgrade to at all 441 Some people do consider 9 pretty low so I think 9 s will be pretty valuable even to the higher end players especially early on