Scat 5 Symptom Score Sheet

Scat 5 Symptom Score Sheet the athlete should rate his her symptoms based on how he she typically feels and for the post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time Please Check Baseline Post Injury

For the baseline assessment the athlete should rate his her symptoms based on how he she typically feels and for the post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time Q1 Headache Q2 Pressure in the head Q3 Neck Pain Q4 Nausea or vomiting Q5 Dizziness Q6 Blurred vision Q7 Balance problems Q8 WHAT IS THE SCAT5 The SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by physicians and licensed healthcare professionals1 The SCAT5 cannot be performed correctly in less than 10 minutes If you are not a physician or licensed healthcare professional please use the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 CRT5

Scat 5 Symptom Score Sheet


Scat 5 Symptom Score Sheet




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The SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating for a suspected concussion and can be used on individuals aged 13 years and older It supersedes the original SCAT 2005 the SCAT2 2009 and the SCAT3 2013 For children aged 12 and under please use the Child SCAT5 Mine Si l chelle des sympt mes est tablie apr s l effort il convient de le faire lorsque le sportif se trouve au repos ce qui peut tre valu en mesurant son rythme card

Preseason SCAT5 baseline testing can be useful for interpreting post injury test scores but is not required for that purpose Detailed instructions for use of the SCAT5 are provided on page 7 of the present document Please read through these instructions carefully before testing the athlete Please use the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 CRT5 The Child SCAT5 is to be used for evaluating Children aged 5 to 12 years For athletes aged 13 years and older please use the SCAT5 Preseason Child SCAT5 baseline testing can be useful for interpreting post injury test scores but not required for that purpose Detailed instructions for use

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Preseason SCAT5 baseline testing can be useful for interpreting post injury test scores but is not required for that purpose Detailed instructions for use of the SCAT5 are provided on the Instructions tab and the SCAT5 PDF Please read through these instructions carefully before testing the athlete Brief verbal instructions for each test are WHAT IS THE SCAT5 The SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by physicians and licensed healthcare professionals1 The SCAT5 cannot be performed correctly in less than 10 minutes If you are not a physician or licensed healthcare professional please use the Concussion Recognition Tool 5 CRT5

Mes Pour le test de r f rence l athl te doit noter ses sympt mes en fonction de la mani re dont il se sent en g n ral tandis que pour l valuation la suite d une blessure l athl te doit noter ses sympt mes selon son tat a ment Les trois essais doivent tre effectu s nonobstant le nombre de bonnes r ponses au premier Drowsiness 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 More emotional 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Irritability 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sadness 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nervous or anxious 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Trouble falling asleep if


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the athlete should rate his her symptoms based on how he she typically feels and for the post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time Please Check Baseline Post Injury

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For the baseline assessment the athlete should rate his her symptoms based on how he she typically feels and for the post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time Q1 Headache Q2 Pressure in the head Q3 Neck Pain Q4 Nausea or vomiting Q5 Dizziness Q6 Blurred vision Q7 Balance problems Q8


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Scat 5 Symptom Score Sheet - The athlete should rate his her symptoms based on how he she typically feels and for the post injury assessment the athlete should rate their symptoms at this point in time Please Check Baseline Post Injury